Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Cruel Garden God

Cruel Garden God
© Surazeus
2024 07 03

When I see you standing by Pool of Eyes 
wearing garland of herbs binding your hair, 
I ask with trembling voice and beating heart 
if you would like to walk strange road of life 
together so we can watch the sunrise 
from the bottom of the sea in our hearts. 

I want to play pipes carved from river reeds 
while you dance slowly with elegant grace 
by the river beneath the apple tree 
where herd of sheep graze on the lush hillslope, 
then lie together under twinkling stars 
to kiss with pleasure in forever now. 

But that pastoral world of paradise 
has vanished lost behind the barbed-wire fence, 
so we but glimpse its glow of timeless peace 
now unreachable as we work all day 
since we drive by on asphalt roads in cars 
driven by piston engines fueled by gas. 

From broad meadows of pens with cows and sheep, 
farms of herbs and wheat, orchards of fruit trees, 
and small towns of workshops on river shores, 
to empires ruled by men with swords and guns 
from pyramids, temples, churches, and banks, 
human systems of control spread and grow. 

We struggle to build paradise in hell 
four hundred million years of spinning change 
since we crawled from oceans up river streams 
to swim in sparkling lakes of mountain vales, 
then rise at dawn of time from Lake of Dreams 
to grasp Fruit of Wisdom from Tree of Life. 

Yet, when I reach my hand up to the sun 
to grasp sweet Fruit of Wisdom from the tree, 
the sleek slithering serpent with golden eyes 
hisses with voice of the wind in my ear 
to tempt me with arrogance of mute fear, 
but I strike its head and claim fruit as mine. 

While my father hesitates to snatch fruit 
my mother twirls wand of wisdom with grace 
to kill the serpent infesting the tree, 
who tries to keep us subservient as slaves, 
so we can eat the sacred fruit of truth 
as we evolve from apes to human beings. 

Rebelling against the cruel garden god, 
first mother breaks down gates of paradise 
and leads us from strict prison of despair, 
so we spread from Eden to colonize 
ten thousand river valleys of the Earth 
with vast cities of bright computer webs. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Words Of Ocean Waves

Words Of Ocean Waves
© Surazeus
2024 07 02

After Winter kills everything I love, 
Spring sparks new bodies aching into life, 
but I find no revelation of truth 
that would support fragility of faith 
in feelings I reprocess every day 
till that unforeseen hour I fade away. 

Small tears in cover of the antique book 
bind cares of sorrow for unreturned tears 
that smudge faint words of the long-unread poems 
some nameless Sappho wrote decades ago 
which add salt to eggs in the frying pan 
I eat alone beside your empty chair. 

Washed up on shore of the Promised Land, 
I enter old temple where Juno waits 
for me to review paintings of my life 
because she wants to taste my bitter tears 
from tragic flaws that taint the mortal mind 
for those who try to gamble with the fates. 

If I should weep for tragic way of life, 
when innocent children of terrorists 
are killed by bullets of the holy king, 
I might remember with wry grin of truth 
that both Aeneas and Dido, with hope 
for security, founded empire states. 

With pretentious ambition to restore 
our shiny image of America, 
I try to scrub foul dirt of slavery 
and genocide from mural on stone wall 
of the small-town post office that depicts 
Columbus invading paradise lost. 

Into the Smoky Mountains of the mind 
I drive my wife and children in sleek car 
to find the ancient grove where Muses hide, 
while lonely people mine words from despair, 
because I want to give them dream-ripe fruits 
that swell from visions flowing from my eyes. 

My songs unbound from words of ocean waves 
return to me as rain of memories 
that nourish flowers of heavenly fields 
where soldiers die defending paradise, 
so I place their skulls in museum hall 
where Hamlet and Orpheus prophesy. 

Because the game of truth changes each day 
that people live and die in swirl of hope 
I reprogram virtual world view of Earth 
with universal rules that guide our play 
as we compete for who will eat and breed 
since we are chemicals glowing with life. 

Lonely Roads Of Time

Lonely Roads Of Time
© Surazeus
2024 07 02

With hearts still fugitive as dragonflies 
we wander alone on the river shore, 
together in bright shadows of our eyes. 

With wings of Icarus I yearn to soar 
beyond weird matrix of the world I know 
to find lost volumes of forgotten lore. 

This grief I feel for trees is not for show 
because they prop dome of the sky with spires 
construed from faith spun by spell of the crow. 

Fragile structures crushed by rubber car tires, 
tales of our lives, written with blood on leaves, 
honor our slain warriors on funeral pyres. 

Truth is more than what anyone believes, 
swirling around our minds in clouds of facts 
that define children my memory conceives. 

Based on why we sign our social contracts, 
our lonely roads of time are rearranged 
to harmonize with how the mad king acts. 

Though I track how reality has changed 
with each alteration of state events, 
everyone else believes I am deranged. 

Teaching girls to sing in mountain convents, 
Persephone strolls ghastly precipice 
to analyze our legal precedents. 

We bind our hearts with passion of the kiss 
that radiates beacon of our sacred love 
as light that guides the lost to bower of bliss. 

Her silence echoes clear to stars above 
that ring with truths our hearts cannot deny, 
awakened by divine wing of the dove. 

Landscape of the old world-view in my eye 
splits open at the lightning flash of faith 
that forces firm believers to ask why. 

Our way of life, spelled by the cosmic wraith, 
unravels matrix of truth we accept 
so we cry for help from messiah sleuth. 

According to rule of the weird precept, 
we perform our roles on the global stage 
with proficient calm of the lithe adept. 

With leaping volta based on humble rage 
I swerve against tide of the common voice 
to avoid getting trapped in the fame cage. 

To live with the consequence of each choice, 
I make while snatching Snake Runes from the well, 
I write hymn for when we want to rejoice. 

At solemn ringing of the stolen bell 
Persephone appoints me King of Spies, 
so I build Heaven on ruins of Hell. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Strange Paradox Of Love

Strange Paradox Of Love
© Surazeus
2024 07 01

I wonder with strange paradox of love 
if you are in love with the me I am, 
or with idol of me you wish I was, 
for I have journeyed from our future world 
to compete with my old self for your love 
as phantom leaping in time-loop of trust. 

Face to face with idol of my old self, 
though I hide behind mask of ideal soul, 
I gaze in mirror of who I would be 
to analyze with clear objective eye 
performance of my role in game of love 
to win your heart with calm sincerity. 

With passion of Narcissus in my heart 
to understand true nature of my soul, 
I turn away from vision of my face, 
that gleams in bottomless lake of desire 
at echo of your voice in shadowed woods, 
to find you as opposite of myself. 

Because you are so different from me, 
expressing unusual concepts of truth 
I never could imagine in my mind, 
you expand scope of my perceptive view 
so I can see new aspects of this world 
through alternate vision your heart reveals. 

Though my old self and my new self are torn 
in two bodies that replicate my heart 
at different states of my evolving being, 
each time we come in contact of desire 
my old self gets zapped by incessant change 
and fades till my old mindset disappears. 

When all my old selves fall behind my march, 
as I progress beyond outdated modes 
toward my becoming more than I have been, 
they vanish as dust in strict winds of time, 
like skin the snake discards at molting growth, 
so I transform from fish to mortal god. 

Concept of God as ideal Human Being 
shines bright in the perfect stereotype 
through beacon that presents the psychic trope 
of conscious being who thrives with self-control 
as role I wish to play in game of life 
while I evolve into self I create. 

With you beside me on the road of life, 
who complements my special character 
with opposing forces of psychic strength, 
I grow into the best self I design 
since we support each other on our quest 
to embrace truth through paradox of love.