Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tattooed On My Heart

Tattooed On My Heart
© Surazeus
2024 06 30

The flower I pick from garden of skulls 
might be the name I invent for your soul. 
Every human who ever lives on Earth 
bears the same name as one star in the sky, 
and I have found yours tattooed on my heart. 
I can walk around alone, or with you. 

The secret smudge in bottom of my heart 
contains original light of the sun 
that beamed to Earth billions of years ago 
and became embedded in the hard rock 
that millions of years of rain broke to soil 
transformed by tree roots to this orange I eat. 

In almost sixty years of mortal life 
I have walked thousands of roads on this Earth 
to find our loneliness in your sweet smile. 
The longest I way I go around the Earth 
is the most efficient way to find you 
waiting for me on the opposite side. 

Our daily routine of productive life 
restricts the pattern of our search for truth 
in circles we travel to Hell and back 
to our Safe Haven on the river shore. 
Though the end of the world always seems near 
we wake up every morning side by side. 

Divinely beautiful light of the sun 
glows inside juicy segments of the orange. 
I want to understand the mystery of love 
that lead me to other side of the Earth 
where I found perfect soul mate of my heart 
at random among billions of strange souls. 

I build the strength of my courageous faith 
on painful wounds your words rip in my heart 
because our souls are tangled now by fate 
our own hands weave from red thread of desire. 
I see your shadow in the faceless crowd 
reveal immortal beauty of your soul. 

Eternal love that binds our souls with trust 
unites opposing factions of our clans 
to fight against the fascist demon king 
whose rage attempts to break seal of our faith 
so he can conquer nations of the world 
through fear that cripples our angelic wings. 

Clear vision of reality eludes 
rational deduction through formulas, 
so we hold hands and walk the signless road 
while giving oranges of the divine light 
to refugees of war who wander lost 
still searching in vain for the Promised Land. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus meets Ophelia his true love on the opposite side of the spinning Earth.
