Saturday, June 8, 2024

Idol Of Your Soul

Idol Of Your Soul
© Surazeus
2024 06 08

Delectable contours of sensuous water 
define languorous shape my body seeks 
in placid densities of lacteal faith 
to transverse silence of sinuous grace 
with luminescent sorrow of desire, 
so I knock on your door and call your name. 

Interior flame of mental equity 
slithers with opal sheen of lustrous love 
deep in mercurial current of my heart 
with furtive expectation to acquire 
pure whiteness beaming from insurgent lust, 
so I open your door and whisper why. 

Upwelling surge of traceless arrogance 
buoys lascivious passion of my heart 
when I express amphibious agency 
to taste nutritious essence of wet earth 
based on transparent aura binding me, 
so I close your door and become the moon. 

Cadenced enchantment of my nubile mind 
expands from core of iridescent heart 
woven with silk matrices of respect 
through tepid pleasure piercing deathly gloom 
from unctuous love that reverberates, 
so I wrap shadow of your absent soul. 

Tactile concept spouting crystalline thought 
congeals reverberant atoms of hope 
in pulsing honeycomb that forms my soul 
as curious context of anointed goal 
migrating beyond boundaries names seal, 
so I play memories of us in my eyes. 

Framed fermentation of unsullied faith 
distills galactic light of singing souls 
from flustered grace binding feracious flesh 
that folds sensitive lubricity tight 
with thick atomic substance of god-light, 
so I reach out to touch mask of your face. 

Instilled with fragrant pungency of love 
that softens fierce anxiety I rein 
with fragile luster splayed in pulsing flow, 
my soul insists on feeling flustered fear 
that floats just under surface of dark lake, 
so I mold idol of your soul from words. 

Frantic as fragile butterfly of trust 
that clamors wordless howl of honesty, 
I pick ripe fruit from old black twisted tree, 
then pause and gaze at shimmer on the hill 
with hope to see flame of your soul return, 
so I wait by our window with lit lamp. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus composes love song for Ophelia while waiting for her to return home from picking flowers at the river.
