Friday, June 28, 2024

Win Against The Sea

Win Against The Sea
© Surazeus
2024 06 28

If I think about how birds love to fly, 
and flowers enjoy blooming in the rain, 
as if the ocean could drown my true voice, 
and the mountain erase my ghost with wind, 
I might understand why we choose to fight 
for freedom of all to live as we will. 

I want to sing with honest voice of hope, 
that echoes loud in streets of every city, 
proud panegyric for the humble man 
whose heart is guided with vision of love 
to steer our enormous ship of state well, 
safely past harsh iceberg of tyranny. 

In the city streets I hear cries of fear, 
and in safe homes grim murmurs of despair, 
because the social ways we share with faith 
in rules that govern how we interact 
are getting twisted by bullies and thieves 
who want to destroy our democracy. 

They would replace our strong democracy 
where everyone is equal in the law 
with harsh oppression of theocracy 
where everyone must obey their commands, 
but we confirm our souls with self-control 
with Liberty through fair justice for all. 

If I contemplate how ocean waves swirl, 
and bees pollinate flowers to make honey, 
because the Earth keeps spinning in the void 
before we came, and long after we go, 
I will celebrate courage based on love 
expressed by those who fight for Liberty. 

I listen to stories that sirens sing 
of those who fail to win against the sea, 
then crash on island of the lonely witch 
who enchants my heart with leisure of love, 
till shadow of my lost dreams visits me 
and gives me strength to escape paradise. 

Though I live in unreal world of my heart 
and dwell in home I crafted from lost faith, 
I build new boat from wisdom of the light 
and sail from Hell to find the Promised Land 
where I wrestle demon of tyranny 
as wingless angel fallen from the stars. 

The bones of my ancestors are now lost, 
buried in graveyards sea to shining sea 
as they journeyed westward ten thousand years 
to build new gardens in the wilderness, 
so I have become spirit of the land 
where I will die fighting for Liberty. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus teaches new generation of freedom fighters to fight for liberty and justice for all.
