
Sunday, August 13, 2023

Why We Humans Suffer Pain

Why We Humans Suffer Pain
© Surazeus
2023 08 13

When ancient humans suffered searing pain 
in fierce struggle against indifferent Nature, 
they invented hostile gods in dark skies 
based on aggressive bullies on gold thrones 
through search for meaning in this futile life 
as if to explain why we suffer pain. 

I find no reason in this game of life 
for why we humans suffer pain from fear 
beyond the fact we are organic bodies 
composed from mindless chemicals of lust 
that structure themselves in aggressive coils 
through successful generation of children. 

When I find myself alive on this world, 
awake with conscious awareness of myself, 
I analyze weird clues my eyes perceive 
about psychic origin of my being, 
then I design purpose I would achieve 
from successful actions that produce pleasure. 

So when I rise from swirling ocean waves, 
reborn from death of pain in sunless deep, 
baptized by cleansing passion of pure faith 
when I accept that we suffer and die, 
I present resurrection of bold love 
as meaningful goal for suffering I endure. 

The first organic body of my mind, 
that nurtures dreaming brain, which thinks I am 
divine spirit awake with light of stars, 
evolves from boiling hydrothermal vents, 
then I swim ever upward toward Sun Eye 
that watches me from shimmer of desire. 

With aching lust to generate new life 
I crawl fresh-water rivers paved with gems, 
then rise from lake of dreams at dawn of time 
to climb tall tree of knowledge on the shore 
where I fight hissing serpent of despair 
to eat ripe apple of wisdom with hope. 

While my love and I cuddle in our tree 
we sing sweet harmony of aching hope 
to protect each other from searing pain 
and share intense pleasure of making love 
that generates children from seed and egg 
so we live in new bodies, though we die. 

Through envisioned expression of free will 
I create meaning from pain I endure 
to produce food I cultivate from Earth 
which nurtures children I sire from desire 
who embody immortal soul of genes 
based on memories created from my pain. 

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