
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Poison Of Fame

Poison Of Fame
© Surazeus
2024 03 13

Fame is the deadly poison of false pride 
that destroys and kills the poetic spirit, 
so better to remain obscure and nameless 
to more enchantingly sing in the silence 
with loving lamentation of the heart 
for death of beauty in the changing world. 

The faceless singer in the swirling mist, 
who walks forever on the signless road, 
finds weird transcendent beauty of the mind 
in hostile wilderness of savage beasts, 
so when he arrives in the country town 
he sings with joy to praise passion of life. 

When people lost in darkness of desire 
hear sweet enchanting voice of his weird song, 
then gather close to bask in glow of hope, 
the singer feels warm radiance of his soul 
sucked out by hunger of the crowd for faith, 
so he flees back to safe obscurity. 

Hearts sparked by Dionysian lust for hope, 
the anxious crowd, lost in dark gloom of fear, 
follows blinding glow of the frightened singer 
to find him hiding in cave of illusions, 
so they cry out for vision of salvation, 
hungry to devour his enchanting power. 

Emerging from gloom of demonic cave, 
with diamond gleaming brighter than the moon, 
the singer stands before the frightened crowd 
and sings to translate anguish of despair 
to hopeful faith that with their grasping hands 
they can create wealth from darkness of fear. 

Inspired by vision of better tomorrows, 
the crowd offers cup of fame to the singer, 
so, though he hesitates with bitter knowledge 
that fame is poison that would kill his spirit, 
he reaches out to accept their deadly gift 
offered from ignorance of worshipful awe. 

Drinking poison of fame with prayer of faith, 
the singer gasps and feels his soul transformed 
from mortal body to immortal god 
through wrenching apotheosis of love, 
so his body wilts in cave of illusions 
while his soul dissipates to wordless wind. 

Erecting statue that depicts the singer, 
his bold fanatic worshippers sing praise 
and bow before idol of his weird beauty 
to celebrate the heart-enchanting power 
his visions conjured in their hopeful minds, 
while they repeat the songs his heart once sang. 

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