
Sunday, March 3, 2024

Daughter Of Ocean

Daughter Of Ocean
© Surazeus
2024 03 03

There once was a god with one thousand brains 
who laughed while dancing in electric rains, 
but his daughter flees with child of the night 
on impoverished wings of frantic flight, 
till she arrives at jeweled Gates of Hell 
and smiles at ringing of the midnight bell. 

Because she has no heart of beating wings, 
the mother of night by the fountain sings 
to call from abyss of terrible truth 
spirit of Erebus to guard with sooth 
people of the city who steal her fame 
while they attempt to erase her weird name. 

Yet daughter of Ocean with crafty hands 
writes sins of the elite in shifting sands, 
so they send carpenter with smiling eyes 
to assassinate her before sunrise, 
but he falls in love with her gentle way 
when they enter the cathedral to pray. 

Asserting her right to live as she will, 
Urania follows Jesus to the hill 
where he plucks apple from the Tree of Life, 
then asks her if she will become his wife, 
so they hold hands and walk the ocean shore 
where Ocean still dances forevermore. 

Climbing stairway to Heaven as his bride, 
Urania holds hands with Jesus to hide 
her blushing cheeks from his father the king 
who asks his son if he retrieved her ring 
after throwing her corpse in pit of fire, 
so she escapes, but gets stuck in cold mire. 

Struggling to escape the Slough of Despond, 
Urania grabs rope of the fool she conned 
who helps her climb jagged Cliff of Despair, 
then sells her as slave to the millionaire 
who wants to crown himself World President 
till he is killed in a bizarre accident. 

Returning to the elementary school 
where child of the night learns the Golden Rule, 
daughter of Ocean kneels by hollow grave 
and vows to free each economic slave 
so every person living in the world 
can welcome coming of the cosmic herald. 

Graduating from college with good grades, 
Erebus documents holy crusades, 
used by his grandfather to conquer Earth 
in vain attempt to live through second birth, 
because he matures with one thousand brains 
and laughs while dancing in electric rains. 

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