
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Truth Hidden By Lies

Truth Hidden By Lies
© Surazeus
2023 10 22

Stalked by bitter spies, he flees in exile 
from greedy gangsters of the misty isle 
to wander pristine lands of honest horror 
in search for his face in mountain pool mirror 
till he can translate riddles of the skies 
that encode bitter truth hidden by lies. 

Inspired by aching passion of respect 
to express hopes in clever dialect, 
he strips nude to lead Dionysian rites 
in lush Bactrian hills of draconic flights 
till wild spirit of Bacchus might disguise 
fierce energy of truth hidden by lies. 

Rejecting destiny to rule the Earth, 
he meditates to rein anger with mirth 
by seeking calm Nirvana through deep breath 
that spirals lust in coils accepting death 
when he rejects power and wealth as prize 
that blinds our eyes to truth hidden by lies. 

Awake with flame that Dionysus sparks 
through self-control that sly Apollo marks, 
he channels energy of Shiva whole 
through ardent quest of Buddha to play role 
of God in Human Form devils despise 
since they trap souls with truth hidden by lies. 

Meshed by delicate web of human trust, 
that weaves our hearts with ardour beyond lust, 
he hears above his head weird unreal wings 
that lead him to valley where Ishtar sings 
astonishing beauty of serpent eyes 
which puzzle code in truth hidden by lies. 

Searching for water of the dried-up well 
that assails haughty cliffs of Gothamel, 
he frees the arch-negator from word cage 
who makes our world vast prison of his rage 
while creeping in black mist our fears comprise 
to fog Eden with truth hidden by lies. 

With sage intention of world-loving heart 
he teaches warriors to map music chart 
so when Achilles strums soul-haunting lyre 
innocent children he kills sing in choir 
that fools the living to accept demise, 
through genocide, our truth hidden by lies. 

Exposed to cognate splendor of our world 
at seventh coming of the Cosmic Herald, 
he preaches to all nations New World Order 
that will erase every national border 
so we experience our narrative clockwise 
which unravels our truth hidden by lies. 

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