
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Puzzle Of The Shadow Land

Puzzle Of The Shadow Land
© Surazeus
2023 10 22

The tall sky-lacing tree in my back yard, 
I climb up to play Tarzan in the woods, 
knows me better than anyone on Earth 
because I tell her all my secret dreams, 
so, though I have moved more than thirty times, 
she follows me across the shadow land. 

While I lounge on the gritty ocean beach, 
and listen to the silver waves of hope 
say nothing about paradise on Earth, 
the horror-eyed girl searching for her mother, 
who vanished when their dingy home was bombed, 
cries with stark anguish of the shadow land. 

How much I am the woods I wander in, 
I contemplate while searching for the grail 
that shines on airy stone by putrid well 
where nymphs play hide and seek with praying folk 
who wield angry guns to defend themselves 
against devils who hunt the shadow land. 

The proper-acting woman in pink gown, 
who sits on stone wall of the hillside garden, 
gazes with joyful sadness at small town 
where her grandchildren will someday be killed 
when they are locked in prison camps of faith 
to cleanse wanderers from the shadow land. 

The moon so long alone in starry sky 
believes itself to be the glow of truth 
that writes profound riddles in river sand 
to welcome bathers in her silver thoughts 
who play with naked liberty of fear 
till raven witch measures the shadow land. 

Time conjures fear from patient ocean waves 
as if we feel no sorrow for the dead 
killed by grim terrorists against their state 
because we turn to sand with changing clock 
of mental atoms that unwinds dazzled faith 
to prove who really owns the shadow land. 

Bright pearl of wisdom fashioned by despair 
illuminates my heart with timeless truth 
I cannot see except with telescope 
which redesigns my cosmic paradigm 
to include the girl weeping for her mother 
whose body formulates the shadow land. 

Through poignant passion for weird prophecy, 
matchless with authentic vibe eyes refract 
as diamond rainbows piercing hearts with facts, 
my brain perceives the real world as it is, 
forever surging waves of molecules 
which might solve puzzle of the shadow land. 

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