
Friday, October 6, 2023

Happy Ocean Waves

Happy Ocean Waves
© Surazeus
2023 10 06

Thoughtful as glass bird without ticking eye, 
I tell cathedral ghost why God is not 
what children call the old man by the lake 
who lines skulls of kings in cave of false names 
because the black horse in the woods reveals 
time unmeasured by happy ocean waves. 

Since I believe I am not real as rain, 
huge more than book beside hot weeping lamp, 
night tells each raven on my windowsill 
how mushrooms bloom from my brain every hour 
another child is born from lake of dreams 
to replace each faceless elder who dies. 

Slow backward walking up argentine stairs 
without last key forged by nameless oak ghost, 
I play stringless lyre with gratitude 
that Death gives me glass of fresh milk to drink, 
however far away mountains retreat 
with mute mist floating from my open mouth. 

As river god with causal curls of hair 
I lean on marble block carved from my skull 
and pluck ripe plum from tree of fortitude, 
then tip brass pitcher to pour stream of tears 
which feeds ten thousand rivers of the world 
with bitter sorrow springing from my heart. 

While digging muck in ancient hill of hope, 
I find old marble statue of tall nymph 
still holding glass pitcher in her right hand 
for she gazes with forlorn ache of love 
beyond all bodies bound in time and space, 
so I erect her in museum hall. 

No statue of Apollo in bright halls 
of holy temples on each river shore 
has ever sprung to life at gentle kiss 
school girls bestow in ritual of romance 
because we all want to find our true love 
as if each person deserves happiness. 

If I dare climb high jagged crag of words 
to touch syntactic glow of timeless thought 
when concepts reflect their opposite truths, 
I might gain kingdom of the teeming Earth 
invented by Star Mind in glowing clouds 
who hides my atoms in box of dream codes. 

Time generates matter my heart perceives 
so I climb mountain of the singing stone 
to find transcendent vision of weird truth 
radiant with eyes of ancestors who dream 
their billions of lives in my flashing brain 
because I swim in happy ocean waves. 

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