
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Unities Of Cosmic Truth

Unities Of Cosmic Truth
© Surazeus
2023 08 15

I hollow out my heart of eager lust 
till I become the formless void of light 
that fountains out streams of atomic blood 
with passionate chaos of selfish hope 
which I must tightly rein with code of truth 
to maintain integrity of my soul. 

When I obliterate my sense of self 
while seeking unities of cosmic truth, 
my frail body transmutates into blind god 
so conscious wick of my expressive brain 
burns bright with universal soul of love 
as I nourish worlds with sun of my eyes. 

Through authoritative order of law 
I will unite all nations of the Earth 
to channel passion of lust to create 
through performative gestures of our hands 
world-encompassing city of glass towers 
where every person fulfills their desires. 

Bright beacon of light as Eye of Sauron, 
I gleam on giant pyramid of power 
to dream whole life of every human being 
who ever lives and dies on Planet Earth 
so I can understand the Will to Live 
that motivates our deadly strife for fame. 

While stumbling lost on signless road of faith 
I see grand vision of God in the sky 
as angry king enraged at foolish men 
whose bumbling mistakes fracture his great state, 
this idol elevated by old priests 
as divine being who roars in thunderstorms. 

This angry god that frightened human beings 
worship the past bloody six thousand years 
is based on men who rule with fists of rage 
to assert authority of the state 
by molding boys into strong warrior gangs 
so he can control resources of life. 

So while the preacher on high stage of truth 
declares that God rewards obedience 
with eternal life in unchanging Heaven, 
and punishes defiance with damnation 
forever in hot writhing flames of Hell, 
I stand and walk outside that Church of Death. 

I walk outside stone walls of Paradise, 
past startled angels polishing sharp swords, 
to blaze new trail in wilderness of faith 
where I sit under the broad apple tree 
and chat with the serpent about desire 
while eating apples poisoned by the truth. 

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