
Wednesday, August 2, 2023

All My Songs Evaporate

All My Songs Evaporate
© Surazeus
2023 08 02

Each time I try to claim the distant sky 
I disappear into raindrop of hope 
so I can dance with apple trees in wind 
till all my songs evaporate at dawn 
and I become fertile soil of the Earth 
from which generations of singers sprout. 

Each generation sprouting from the Earth 
invents new language from the one we lost 
so they can sing about movable storms 
that drench our nation in rich angel tears 
to fertilize the world our greed destroys 
till we can feast again in hall of songs. 

Each morning we wake from ancestral dreams 
mask of our face in cracked mirror of time 
conceals sweet meaninglessness of desire 
that motivates our actions to create 
beauty from emptiness of silent love 
that twists our heart into melodious song. 

Each flash of sunlight through eloquent trees 
clangs soft as church bells to announce our play 
that emanates from ancient book of myths 
with tales of tragic sorrow that reveal 
cause and effect of actions we perform 
since green wound of my heart sings about love. 

Each pulse of blood in mute clay of my soul 
lurches hard against bleak horror of death 
when I stand shivering on iced river shore 
and sing with angst for invisible sun 
to shred dark veil of despair from my eyes 
so I can see beyond shadow of pain. 

Each surge of passion bulging from my heart 
with fraught exuberance of eager fear 
emerges from determined thrust of hope 
constrained by cautious attention to why 
I read world history with tendentious pride 
to prove singers understand truth of death. 

Each weather map of psychiatric tropes 
that I consult with diamond eye of rules 
presents conceptual hurricane of change 
transforming nation-states of fearful men 
into global system of civil rights 
based on infinite cylinder of truth. 

Each lightless hour of silent sorrow weighs 
heavy loss we feel at death of our child 
whose tender face still glows in lifeless moon 
till they return as butterfly of hope 
that sparks compassion of mutual desire 
to love till all my songs evaporate. 

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