
Saturday, January 22, 2022

Summer Trip To Terzell

Summer Trip To Terzell
© Surazeus
2022 01 22

After we buy mochas and coffee cake 
at the Blind Elf Cafe on Rilke Lane, 
we stroll quaint medieval streets of Terzell, 
nestled in lush Sarmatian Mountain dale, 
then sit on sidewalk by Verkana Hall 
where Shostakovich plays Strawberry Fields. 

So we walk down to the Styx River shore, 
where Lucifer sits in the oak-wood boat 
with the diamond-tipped scepter in his hand, 
to buy Rosemaries, Pansies, and Violets 
from Ophelia who dances in white gown 
while tripping on liberty cap mushrooms. 

Twirling around the breeze-blown willow tree, 
Ophelia recites arcane poetry 
with ghost voice of Emily Dickinson 
that transforms guns in hands of warriors 
into typewriters singing in the choir 
of alligators who wear jeweled crowns. 

When Dracula returns from Wonderland 
to marry Cinderella in Versailles, 
we join the party in Neuschwanstein Castle 
where Mozart with wings of the Cockatrice 
plays requiem on the dragon-bone flute 
while Idunn gives apples to every guest. 

Because Orpheus tries to kiss Idunn 
after she hides behind the Laurel tree, 
Bragi threatens to punch him in the face, 
but Eurydice walks through the time zone 
to assassinate the blue Lizard King 
before he can exterminate the Elves. 

Sipping Dragon Brain Wine from Holy Grail, 
Ophelia dances in Fountain of Youth 
while ghosts of kings and queens applaud her style 
rejecting profit of social restraint 
to replace privilege of monarchy 
with Dionysian rites of democracy. 

While eerie red glow of the sunset burns 
above the gabled rooftops of Terzell, 
we finish eating our delicious cake, 
then linger before Cathedral of Ishtar 
and pledge to meet again in fifty years 
by the apple tree where Pan plays sad pipes. 

Yet after all our fun in Faerie Land, 
dancing by moonlight in Strawberry Fields, 
we return to daylight of Rilke Lane, 
where people drive to office towers in cars, 
to sort through photos of our summer trip 
that show us posing with Angel of Death. 

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