
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Coming Of The Girl

Coming Of The Girl
© Surazeus
2022 01 19

The floating laughter of the absolute 
beams my name in seed of the burning tree 
so I prophesy new age of the flute 
that forges beautiful truth in the key 
we use to open door of shocking truth 
before third coming of messiah sleuth. 

The girl and boy stand face to face in mist, 
eyes weaving wings for romance of true love, 
then walk toward each other across the bridge, 
wondering what the other is thinking of, 
because their genes ache to generate life 
from bodies tangled with erotic strife. 

When Ophelia falls in the burbling stream 
and almost drowns in anguish of despair 
Orpheus rescues her from blinding dream 
so they run on wind-swept hills without care, 
then hide under Tree of Life to embrace 
and gaze with mute joy at the strange face. 

While Orpheus molds wood in wagon wheels 
Ophelia bakes bread and plays the flute, 
then lovers flirt as they share daily meals, 
while their son Orion, looking so cute, 
plays with the bow and arrow of desire, 
destined to lead the world angelic choir. 

While deadly virus kills millions of souls 
Orion plots to rule the entire world, 
but commoners refuse to play their roles 
in revolution of the cosmic herald 
who seeks to make Avalon great again 
though he plays guitar in indifferent rain. 

Though Earth is fractured in two hundred states 
that fight to control the Flying Horse Spring, 
messiah sleuth gambles with the blind fates 
to control magic power of the One Ring, 
but no one sees the coming of the Girl 
who dreams complex program of the Mind Whirl. 

Though storm winds batter pyramid of power 
Ostara climbs each step of timeless rage, 
inspired by sacred vision of the flower 
to sing weird wisdom on the global stage, 
because sweet anguish of her longing song 
calls refugees to unite in one throng. 

Surrounded by lost souls from war-torn lands, 
Ostara sings new vision of world peace, 
so refugees of war lift up their hands 
and vote for her as their global mouthpiece 
to fight against oppressive monarchy 
so every person lives through liberty. 

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