
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Library Of The Weeping Star

Library Of The Weeping Star
© Surazeus
2022 01 11

The fraudulent flute that fractures my eyes 
returns from hollow classroom of the moon 
to teach my flapping arms the raven ways 
so when I walk in shadow of the dawn 
I may find princess of the broken jar 
mute in library of the weeping star. 

When Clementine falls in love with Pierrot 
she waits by red door of the theater 
to give him ripe orange on the silver tray 
forged from our broken hearts by Lucifer, 
but he rides away in black Limousine 
for candlelight dinner with Melusine. 

Gripping old photo of them by the lake, 
with words of his love he wrote with his blood, 
Clementine runs through forest of the snake 
to find his skeleton dancing in mud, 
but none would dare unmask haughty Pierrot 
who falls in love with indifferent Sappho. 

Searching for Guide Book to Garden of Hell, 
Clementine wanders maze of doorless homes 
where children draw heroes on temple wall 
while their parents play political games, 
competing for who gets to play the role 
composed by blind agents of Interpol. 

Though Lucifer tries to overthrow God 
through coup to abolish all monarchy, 
Jupiter outwits him with royal code 
to crush republican democracy, 
so we vote for president to play king 
when Grimgerde appears on stage to sing. 

Driving to work as banking analyst, 
while dressed in black skirt and white frilly blouse, 
Clementine brings gifts to library ghost 
who leads her to castle of Wenceslaus 
where Pierrot paints portrait of Onatah, 
Corn Maid who always rules America. 

When Clementine decides to love herself, 
forgetting her timeless love for Pierrot, 
her invisible tears conjure the elf 
who mocks every fool who plays the hero 
in social revolution of the mind 
that treasures divine spirit of the land. 

When Orpheus first sees Clementine smile 
at heart-breaking song he strums on the lyre, 
he stores data about her in the file 
while Melusine directs Elysian choir 
who sing riddles about evolving state 
how atoms define our chemical fate. 

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