
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Write To Record The Suffering

Write To Record The Suffering
© Surazeus
2018 09 26

When I sort through the whole clutter of history
I see so many bloody incidents
of hostile interaction through conflict
when humans fight to control land and water
that I wonder most of us live in peace.

The most aggressive people urged by greed
all kill each other off in brutal wars,
and soak the fields of victory with their blood,
which leaves peace-loving people still alive
though oppressed by harsh winners of those wars.

We develop systems of social action
organizing people to produce food
but when many people begin to starve
no matter how much they cooperate
the system is destroyed through brutal war.

We develop bigger and more efficient
systems of social action to produce
more food that feed much larger populations,
and thrive in peace while that new system works,
till more people populate the landscape.

We develop fair system of rewards
so people earn tokens to prove they work
in the form of metal coins stamped with face
of the man whose judgment we all accept
when he considers our cases of conflict.

We use money as system of reward
to prove who works to produce their fair share
but some people cheat and hoard all the coins,
refusing to pay workers enough coins
to buy what they need in the marketplace.

Our current system that had worked so well
for the past eighty years of massive growth
as we expanded from country of farms
to industrial juggernaut of factories
now crumbles from unfair inequities.

Several thousand people control the land
and most of the wealth glowing in our banks
while millions of people struggle to live,
earning just enough each month to pay bills,
as they teeter on the edge of poverty.

How can we redesign the social system
that encourages the growth of small farms
who need never worry about bankruptcy
while food is channeled to large factories
and processed to stock well large grocery stores?

Machines help us produce larger amounts
of food than ever before in all history
so everyone can have more leisure time,
yet most people work even more all day,
while many people never work at all.

How can we balance time at work and leisure
so people earn enough to pay their bills
while they have time to work on arts and crafts
in creative process of give and take
so we all maintain quality of life?

Business owners want to exploit our labor,
squeezing as much out of us as they can
to earn higher profits they hoard in banks
while they pay us just enough to survive
so they get richer on our daily work.

The nation with well-educated people
who perform their jobs with creative joy
and earn enough rewards from daily labor
will sustain thriving growth through inner strength
more than the nation with ignorant slaves
who seethe from anger of hungry despair.

Every morning I drive my car to work
and sit at clean desk in well-lighted lab,
using fast computer to create maps,
then drive home to my family in clean home
where I write stories about human life.

I am well-rewarded for daily work,
earning enough for our comfortable home,
with enough free time to create my art,
but millions of people struggle to live,
for I hear their cries on the Internet.

When I sort through the whole clutter of history
I see how insignificant I am,
one small nobody in the game of life,
so I write to record the suffering
humans endure in chronicle of truth.

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