
Friday, September 28, 2018

White Entitled Frat Bro Drunk

White Entitled Frat Bro Drunk
© Surazeus
2018 09 28

The white entitled frat bro drunk with power,
clinging to male privilege of his birth,
who exploits young women for his own pleasure,
attempts to project impression of strength,
but under hard mask of blustering bravado
his fragile ego weeps from fearful rage.

Alone the frat bro is weak and afraid
so to feel more strong he joins gang of bros
who target vulnerable girls at wild frat parties
by spiking their beer with mind-numbing drugs
then dragging them into the private room
where they gang-rape the scared paralyzed girls.

Because fathers of the frat bros are rich
they can earn degrees in business and law
then get hired at the most lucrative jobs
to run the capitalist empire of our greed,
exploiting the uneducated poor
who slave for low pay in their factories.

America is run by rich frat bros
who compete to acquire the greatest wealth
in Darwinian game of get rich or die
by exploiting people for their own gain
while claiming this is how the world must work
through evolution where the best survive.

White Republican Christian men who claim
to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ,
who preached to treat the vulnerable and poor
with love and respect of the guardian,
instead exploit the vulnerable and poor
while hiding their fear with arrogant pride.

They institute their policies through law
that favor the rights of their privilege
to join together in large companies
which gives them strength to exploit the weak poor
by earning profits off their endless labor
since they believe the weak deserve to die.

The white entitled frat bro drunk with power
never pays the consequence of his crimes
when he assaults vulnerable girls for his pleasure
or steals from the poor through large companies,
for his bros have rigged our system of justice
to set them free while others pay the price.

The white entitled frat bro weak from fear
covers his shriveled soul of rotten lust
with the clean mask of polished privilege,
pretending to play the Good Christian Father
while abusing women for his own pleasure
and getting rich off labor of the poor.

When will they pay the price for all their crimes
and suffer the consequence for foul deeds
raping women and exploiting the poor,
these white entitled frat bros drunk with power
who now destroy our land of liberty
so they can enslave us all with greed?

Alone we are weak and afraid of them,
helpless against their legal institutions,
but united together, with bonds of love
for liberty of every individual
with right to make choices for their own bodies,
we can secure the freedom of our will.

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