
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Equals In The Eyes Of Justice

Equals In The Eyes Of Justice
© Surazeus
2018 09 30

Secure inside stone walls of paradise,
I keep watch in tower of the glowing flame
to protect our fortress on safe hilltop
where my family tends fruit trees in the garden.

Feeling weak and beset by hostile forces,
the conservative hides inside strong castle
to protect himself and his family
from invaders who would destroy their world.

Once he has conquered all his enemies
and subdued fierce hostile forces to allies,
he can explore beyond his castle walls
and understand people different from him.

Feeling strong and connected to his friends,
the liberal travels far beyond his castle
to enrich himself and his family
through trading goods that create their new world.

Fearful of strangers from faraway lands,
the conservative retreats to his castle
where he stays vigilant of greedy thieves
and attacks anyone who comes too near.

Confident of strangers in lands he visits,
the liberal invites travelers to his castle
where he entertains them with generous love
and welcomes anyone who journeys near.

Conservatives hide in castles of safety
while liberals expand into market towns,
investing capital in companies,
but common people work to serve them both.

Conservatives believe white Christian males
only possess the right to rule the world,
but liberals believe everyone is equal
regardless of race, religion, or gender.

How can we balance safe security
of protection against hostile attack
with commercial interaction for gain
with people who create quality goods?

How can we maintain safe security
for every person who participates
in process of work to earn fair rewards
through equal opportunity to thrive?

Why should one group, defined by race and gender,
who legalize entitlement to power,
monopolize control of fertile land
to benefit while everyone else struggles?

How can we sustain fundamental base
of social values on strong principles
while expanding scope of bold operations
to connect all in global marketplace?

Now I can write this georgic about values
of conservatives secure in strong castles
and liberals building market enterprises
because I was born the white Christian male.

Although I was born the white Christian male
I believe everyone has equal value
and deserves equal treatment under law
no matter their color, beliefs, or gender.

We are all survivors in game of change,
isolated for many centuries,
evolving to match strange environments,
yet we are still one global family.

Secure in my castle of privilege,
protected by the fundamental sword
wielded by Guardian of the Holy Grail,
I can expand with liberal attitude.

Two thousand years we lived in castle walls
to protect our lives from aggressive hate,
but now we thrive and grow beyond those walls
to construct vast metropolitan maze.

Now that we conquered devil of despair
and vanquished the demon of fascist greed
we build democracy with basic rights
for everyone to live in equal love.

No longer must the white male rule all things
for every person in society
cooperates in our national commune
with equal opportunity to thrive.

We struggled for so long against fascism,
fighting to protect the weak against harm,
we fight each other to control the land
in choosing who will play the noble hero.

Now every person, alive in this world,
from every race and religion on Earth,
should live as equals in the eyes of Justice,
working together for the greater good.

Secure inside legal walls of our nation,
I keep watch in tower of the glowing flame
to protect our land, sea to shining sea,
where our world family lives in harmony.

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