
Friday, September 14, 2018

Agent Of The Deep State

Agent Of The Deep State
© Surazeus
2018 09 14

Who would spy on some nobody like me,
recording all my actions every day
to build full profile on my character
that conceals me with simple stereotype
which hides my true nature behind mask
so no one can see what I really think.

Perhaps I am agent of the Deep State,
assigned to impersonate my real self
so I can infiltrate the institution
where everyone who performs routine tasks
knows not they are cogs in the vast machine
of conspiracy to control the world.

Perhaps we can edit the video footage
secretly filmed to record all my actions
in new blockbuster spy movie that stars
the clever sleuth who investigates cults
of loyal supporters who blindly follow
the wise leader who makes himself dictator.

We are watching everything that you do
no one says to me with sinister voice
for Big Brother watches you everywhere
and knows everything about how you think
so do what you want, if you harm no one,
then all hail the Glow Cloud who sees all souls.

I hitchhike across states of Onatah
and improvise songs while I play guitar
on street corners while people walk on past,
but I never meet the Devil in disguise
so I wonder if I am Lucifer,
Maker of Light who lost his angel wings.

People organize themselves into states
and choose the best talker among themselves
to play god assigning everyone roles
to play their part in expansion of power
till we assimilate the entire world
in empire of liberal democracy.

Two men play stereotypical roles
of the Authoritarian and the Rebel
engaged in civil war between two factions,
those who fight for liberty of all people
versus those who fight to exploit all people
in controlled revolution of elections.

Who manipulates pieces on the chessboard,
urging Pawns to rebel against the Knights
so the King can seduce the rival Queen
which ensures his son inherits the crown
till we overthrow them in revolution
and elect each Knight to play King four years.

I generate time-animated globe
that organizes events of world history
and records all events occurring now
by tracking every human being alive
to present surveillance tool of perception
which helps us analyze future events.

Go ahead and record my every action,
then make blockbuster movie about me
to record my rise and fall as the genius
who sees the future but cannot explain
how messy and complex are human actions
motivated by hunger to control.

Everything I say generates smokescreen
that veils true motivation of my heart
to reign with wisdom over our great empire
and navigate our ship of state through storm
to prevent greedy and ambitious men
from seizing control as dictator-king.

I will reign well with principles of good,
declares every man who seizes state power,
and tries in vain to contain multitudes,
for the people rebel against proud kings
and elect proud men to play humble kings
while we pick produce in the fertile fields.

Once I have ruled as Emperor of the World
for twenty years of Pax Americana
through application of flexible rules,
I will retire from Pyramid of Power
to meditate long in the Cave of Shadows
where I record the mysteries of the brain.

Who watches me wear the mask of the king
and prance about on stage of world opinion
except the Flaming Eye of Wise Big Brother
who knows all that happens down on our world,
so I sip sparkling glass of apple cider
as I sing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

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