
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Just Another Love Story

Just Another Love Story
© Surazeus
2018 09 19

The little girl by the Christmas Tree smiles
at the little boy dazzled by her eyes
so he leans forward and kisses her cheek
like the bee kisses petals of the flower.

The old man looks at faded photograph
that shows him sitting with his future wife
at the Christmas party in the fourth grade
when she gave him the journal to write stories.

Walking downtown by the river at sunset,
the young man and the young woman smile shyly
and hold hands, laughing as they share cute stories,
then kiss by the old oak tree in the park.

How real every moment was to us then,
authentic experience of growing love,
yet now they seem like fake movie cliches,
just another love story people mock.

Sitting together on the wooden porch,
the young couple watches their children play,
running and shrieking in the large back yard
as breezes blow in the broad apple trees.

We did everything right in play of life,
performing our assigned roles without flaw,
falling in love, working, producing children,
and raising them to be good citizens.

Parking his car, the man walks through front door,
hangs his hat and coat on the hook, smiles beaming
as he kisses his wife cooking beef stew,
then sits with his children at the round table.

The world seemed so simple when we were young,
study in school, work at rich companies,
get married, buy the nice house, raise good children,
earn social credit for playing your part well.

The old woman by the Christmas Tree smiles
at the old man still dazzled by her eyes
so he leans forward and kisses her cheek
like the rain kisses thick soil of the world.

What did I gain by doing all things right
except savoring each day I am alive,
sharing experiences with my true love,
and leaving behind children who play their part?

Climbing the mountain trail among pine trees,
the old woman and the old man holding hands
sit by the lake that sparkles with sunlight
and feel stars pulsing in their every atom.

The old woman in the oak coffin smiles
at the old man long dazzled by her eyes,
so he drops photo of them on her breast,
then sings as they lower her in the Earth.

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