
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Atheist Prophet Of Apples

Atheist Prophet Of Apples
© Surazeus
2018 09 18

Whether or not there is a powerful God
is irrelevant to whether most people
believe or not in a creator God
who has a plan for how they live their life.

People who need to believe in a God
will believe in a God whether or not
God is real, and will invent God they need
to guide them well in how they live their life.

No conscious God with supernatural power
created or controls vast galaxies
that constitute enormous universe
for everything is taut structure of atoms.

Most people do not need God to exist
to believe he is powerful and real
for God reflects their view of politics
and enforces moral rules they obey.

Because I am the atheist they fear
they think I am against the government
based on hierarchy of the King as Father
whose actions reflect the will of their God.

This proves that men invent concept of God
based on the leader of national tribes
to enforce their right to rule the whole world
so my atheism threatens their power.

They build their religions on strict theism,
basing structure of political power
on their right to speak for the Unseen God,
and kill me if I refuse to obey.

I build no religion on atheism,
lone prophet of my own personal truth
speaking proverbs about human behavior
based on stories of failure and success.

I walk the waste land while whistling for joy
for I do what I want if I harm none,
planting apple seeds on lush river shore
where horses gallop with the shining clouds.

I build paradise in the wilderness
and play god within the walls of my garden,
welcoming lost souls who work to tend trees,
then feast and sing in the ring of tall stones.

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