
Saturday, September 29, 2018

Comedy Of Social Power

Comedy Of Social Power
© Surazeus
2018 09 29

The leaders of our nations come and go,
rising up to power from the common crowd
to play god by judging rules of our game,
then stepping down to go away with pride,
secure their place in history is sure,
living men replaced by statues in halls.

Only when men try to cling to state power,
demanding obedience with arrogance,
does thunderbolt of Zeus strike from dark doom
and knock them tumbling to fall from high tower
when he sends Nemesis to enact law
of retribution against haughty pride.

The Doom of Pride is inescapable
for Adrestia always pursues the fool
who dares defy the law of politics
by refusing to vacate throne of power
so Nemesis will give them what is due,
distributing justice for their vile crimes.

Nemesis, broad-winged balancer of life,
dark-faced goddess born from fierce thunderstorm,
honest daughter of Justicia and Oceanus,
distribute fortune to those who deserve
reward or punishment for their behavior,
for none can escape your just retribution.

Men who are weak and afraid of the truth
will attack people with aggressive force,
threatening death if we do not submit,
so they hide their fragile ego with rage
but together we can defend our souls,
acting as the sword that Nemesis wields.

Strong men who are cautiously confident
observe the world with perceptive insight,
allowing people to do what they will
but stopping them if they try to cause harm,
protecting the weak from bullies of greed,
then keeping guard with quiet confidence.

Arrogant men who want to control wealth
assemble armies of lost angry fools
then attack people, who long produced goods
through clever craftsmanship of their skilled hands,
and though they maintain control with tight grip
Nemesis will rise and strike them from power.

The leaders of our nations come and go,
gaining power through aggressive force of hate
or through generous extension of love,
but weak men who oppress will fall destroyed,
while strong men who support will rise secure,
in constant comedy of social power.

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