
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Children Of The Dead God

Children Of The Dead God
© Surazeus
2018 09 22

The concepts of my poems are all addressed
to people who will never read their dreams.
The people I have known, who are oppressed
by hope to walk with Jesus by the streams
of Heaven through eternity, I call
to look away from glowing cloud of lies
that Jesus will resurrect us from death
and will transform the Earth to paradise,
then claim right to rule people of the world.
Open your eyes and realize that Jesus,
instead of great powerful god of light
was but one mortal man who ruled by right
that he was descended father to son
from dynasty of Adam since the fall
from Garden of Eden through the bright reign
of Solomon and David on gold thrones,
and on to Jesus hoping to regain
the lost scepter through election campaign
of healing people to reclaim his throne,
and know that Jesus was but mortal man
whose children continued their ancient rule
two thousand years in kingdoms of Europe,
and now across lands of America.
To millions of people deceived by lies
of religious authorities that Jesus
is supernatural god who will return
to resurrect them rotting from the grave,
I address my call to reform the church
that blinds them with lie of the resurrection,
and see that Jesus was mortal like us,
and his children crowned themselves as great kings
who claimed right to rule people with his spirit,
so we can follow example of life
he presented to love our fellow man
with generous compassion for their dreams
by living here and now with charity
instead of waiting for that paradise
priests sell in the greatest scam of all time.
When I was seventeen I felt the call
to be the prophet of Jesus our Father,
but when I saw there is no God in Heaven,
only atoms forming chemical structures,
I went on quest to find the Holy Grail
and found that Jesus married wise Mermaid,
the goddess based on Mary Magdalene,
the Woman who creates our mortal life,
and Jesus was node of one dynasty
of kings that began with Adam in Eden
and flows through David down to Jesus Christ,
whose descendants ruled kingdoms of Europe
founded by Meroveus, the Fisher King,
through Constantine, Arthur, and Charlemagne,
down to Victoria and her vast empire
now overthrown in two brutal world wars.
The dynasty of kings from Jesus Christ
sprouts another branch from the House of David
through Henry Plantagenet, King of England,
for all Presidents of the United States
spring from the families of the rival roses
who sprout from the children of John of Gaunt,
and thus continue dynasty of Christ
on this vast continent of America
that sustains the ancient bloodline of Adam,
having expanded the Garden of Eden
from that small village in Sumeria
to envelop half the lands of the world,
Russia, Europe, America, and more.
Naming myself Surazeus Astarius,
I will unite all these lands in world empire
and name it Anglonesia, Land of Angels,
where we gather in the Temple of Light
to celebrate our family unity
through communion of feasts and sharing stories,
since every father and mother with children
constitute the pure Holy Family
who reproduce the bloodline of the Grail,
for the Grail is service to mankind,
representing selfish love of our hearts
toward all diverse tribes of humanity
united in our love for this one world
that spins forever in the vast abyss.
We are all the sons and daughters of Jesus
for, though Jesus and his wife Magdalene
have been dead for over two thousand years,
their spirits live in the genes of our bodies
since their children generated our souls,
so when we walk together in this life,
holding hands as we lounge by this lake now,
in this garden of trees where apples bloom,
we are walking with Jesus in our Heaven.
As prophet of Jesus and Magdalene,
I call upon the Christians of the world
to see Jesus Christ as our Founding Father
who teaches us to live in Paradise Now,
and not as immortal god of the stars
for he will not resurrect us from death,
rather he gives us new life through our love
when we generate children from our flesh
and teach them to work together with trust.
That is the concept I wish to express
in these poems I write to people I knew,
though they will never read these dreams I sing,
that Jesus is dead, but we are alive
for we are the children of the dead god.

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