
Monday, April 1, 2024

World Chronicle Of Dreams

World Chronicle Of Dreams
© Surazeus
2024 04 01

The little old man who looks like the oak 
with the long moss beard and crows for his hands 
walks from library to the classroom hall 
to scatter bread crumbs on the lonely path 
that lures lost children to America 
who followed the Pied Piper home to Hell. 

We follow the Pied Piper home to Hell 
where Pluto gives us pomegranate pies 
then teaches us how to cast magic spells 
when we forge the shining sword from the stone 
we wield when marching with the Bloody Cross 
from Heaven to conquer the Promised Land. 

From Heaven we conquer the Promised Land 
where Jupiter rides the merry-go-round 
with his pretty young bride Penelope 
who hangs tapestry she wove from despair, 
to hide the bloody writing on the wall, 
that depicts how Hamlet conquered the world. 

I perform how Hamlet conquers the world 
by wearing mask of the Jester on stage 
where three witches of fate brew mushroom wine 
while Ceridwen gives birth to our new son 
who sustains Bloodline of the Holy Grail 
which reincarnates as child of the sun. 

I reincarnate as child of the sun 
in secret cave on Isle of Avalon 
with duty to play lyre of Mercury 
when I chant hymns to praise the faceless gods 
who lounge on Mount Olympus in hot springs 
while Mars leads crusade to the Holy Land. 

Though Mars leads crusade to the Holy Land 
to exterminate children of the sand, 
I ferry boat across the River Styx 
crowded with millions of souls newly killed 
in brutal wars that rage around the world 
then lead them singing hymns to paradise. 

I lead them singing hymns to paradise 
where they cannot eat fruit from Tree of Life 
because the serpent knows their secret names 
they left behind when they fled their homelands 
to escape bombs that demolish their homes 
as written in World Chronicle of Dreams. 

Tales written in World Chronicle of Dreams 
record the names and deeds of every soul 
who ever lived and died in turn of time 
on every planet in the universe 
when sparkle-eyed Ishtar decides she loves 
the little old man who looks like the oak. 

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