
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Horn That Gabriel Blows

Horn That Gabriel Blows
© Surazeus
2024 04 03

When I hear the horn that Gabriel blows, 
which shakes foundations for empires of greed, 
I run to womb of woods where spotted does 
write with hoofprints in grass what children need 
to overcome trauma of losing limbs 
despite drama from our romantic whims. 

Struggling to ascend steep cliffs of despair, 
I hoick heavy burden of aching sorrow 
on book shelf sagging with stories of fear 
I translate from cheerful song of the sparrow 
who guides my way through forest of illusion 
till I find bright-eyed Muse of my delusion. 

Inspired by terror writhing from our hearts, 
we crawl from rubble of our bombed-out homes 
with grave courage of worms in blood-wet clarts 
to gather in shelter of shattered domes 
where we once prayed to our world Faceless God 
who sleeps while we wait for his rescue squad. 

Stuck in weed-tangled garden of my body, 
with twisted angel wings I cannot use, 
I study paintings that seem way too gaudy 
to portray our experience in the news, 
so we watch movies on the silver screen 
while rockets destroy the healing machine. 

Since love for beauty of the human race 
has been spelked by global war in my soul, 
I must design myself new human face 
that shields my heart from pain as I play role 
of cosmic herald searching for the truth 
that we wait in vain for messiah sleuth. 

When saintly goldfinch of my eager heart 
chirps world-transcending song of ancient hope, 
I linger to draw new world history chart 
while apple blossoms teach me how to cope 
when millions of people are killed in war 
each time I shop at the grocery store. 

Beyond conceptual bounds of space and time 
where vast ethereal deities glow not, 
I plot how my body evolves from slime 
to the next phase of God Wraith or Robot, 
then write dream code in lines of riddling verse 
that describes process of the multiverse. 

Hidden in cave of illusions, I write 
prophecies Gabriel dictates with tones 
that vibrate visions from transcendent light 
with spells of words that translate spark of bones 
when I strum lyre of Mercury with zest 
and recite epic of our global quest. 

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