
Friday, April 26, 2024

Sing On Every Globe

Sing On Every Globe
© Surazeus
2024 04 26

Erased from dream of Earth with flash of fire 
which transforms my body to beams of light, 
I disappear from swirl of singing life 
as nameless mask that hangs on temple wall 
where no sad singer recounts tale I lived 
while leaves of trees whisper in evening breeze. 

Reborn in frail body of chemicals 
life after life four hundred million years, 
I wake again from timeless dream of hope 
in each newly designed organic form 
to stand on ocean shore of singing stars 
and remember true name of my first soul. 

With memories of each life from birth to birth, 
all my ancestors lived from dawn of time, 
I grow more wise in knowledge of the truth 
about how we regenerate our souls 
from immortal soul of life-weaving genes 
that mold our bodies from light of the sun. 

Each face I wear as new incarnate soul 
reflects eternal spirit of the sun 
who beams unconscious power of desire 
to nourish passion of my will to live 
as I evolve fish to lizard to mouse 
to cat to monkey to human to god. 

Now I turn mirror mask of my new face 
up toward eternal beauty of Blue Sky 
where I aspire to transcend mortal frame, 
yet I know with wry laughter of respect 
that my conscious soul of self-aware mind 
is chemical function of neural cells. 

My conscious soul is function of this brain 
nurtured by chemical flash of desire 
that surges vibrant waves of aching hope 
which motivates my progress beyond fear 
across the waste land of terrible truth 
to build garden of fruit trees by the lake. 

After First Mother rose from sea of dreams 
she generated children from her love 
who multiply into billions of souls 
now forming nation-states around the Earth 
forever fighting to control rich land 
in endless world wars of kill or be killed. 

I take no sides in regional conflicts 
for we are all children of Mother Earth, 
so I weep for every human being killed 
while rivers flow and fruits ripen on trees 
and stars twinkle on their own fruitful worlds 
where I will wake and sing on every globe. 

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