
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Unplayed Cosmic Game

Unplayed Cosmic Game
© Surazeus
2024 04 04

Since the world is our unplayed Cosmic Game 
that makes spirits dance on strings of fate, 
I unfold sorrows through catastrophe 
from confining mantle of summer night 
to find unicorn of reality 
prancing in forest of unfinished dreams. 

Long after we search vast rooms of the moon 
on freezing winter nights of bitter hope, 
we sell each other heart-enchanting spells 
that only fool our eyes with false beliefs 
based on introspective tales of our quest 
we abandon on the long way back home. 

Though I stumble nowhere on signless roads 
without rebellious cause of righteous faith, 
I have never wished myself someone else 
for I am who I always should have been 
despite attempts to grow beyond myself, 
too eager to avoid my funeral. 

Still stuck in pomp of proud audacious deeds, 
attempting to sport in dalliance of love, 
I strut in courts of kings to overturn 
state of their tyrannical monarchy 
while I swell with conceit of my grand skills 
to reprogram theology of the brain. 

Since we must die the everlasting death 
after tasting sweet pleasures of this world 
I will let no false doctrine of desire 
chain me against free will of my heart choice 
to study metaphysics of word thoughts 
so I may control domain of my mind. 

So with each deep breath of infinite truth 
I become commander of elements 
to manage ambiguities of facts 
till I expand as Jove surrounds the globe 
so with expressive grasp of wise intent 
I ransack oceans for pure pearls of faith. 

Awake in gloomy shadow of the Earth, 
I view Orion gleaming in the sky, 
then utter incantations that reveal 
arcane treasures of wisdom in the brain 
that glow more vast than galaxies of worlds 
entangled with organic souls of lust. 

Transforming to wingless angel from fish, 
I dance around bonfire on mountain peak 
while strumming lyre of Mercury I stole 
to chant conceptual visions beyond truth 
adjunct to heavens of dream-sparkling stars 
so till I die I play the Cosmic Game. 

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