
Monday, April 1, 2024

Salvation From Civil War

Salvation From Civil War
© Surazeus
2024 04 01

Clear of bacteria that once chewed my soul, 
I scatter serpent teeth in bitter soil 
where bankers want to build new church of glass 
to sell shares for the Afterlife to fools 
who pray for salvation from civil war 
fought between Midas and Tiresias. 

Though I will die long before they are born, 
I hope my children, sprung in fields of corn 
with wings of Icarus from serpent teeth, 
will each design their own perceptive faith 
to work for salvation from civil war 
fought between Nebuchadnezzar and Thor. 

Observing subtle clues found at the scene 
where someone murdered the honest machine, 
I detect macabre riddle of the ghost 
who represents fake world view of the past 
that reveals salvation from civil war 
fought between Amun-Ra and Jupiter. 

Surprised by beauty inherent in truth, 
I compose thought code as messiah sleuth 
to program minds of people with belief 
that organic beings survive through bold strife 
to achieve salvation from civil war 
fought between Osiris and Lucifer. 

Ominous prophecy of the White Crow, 
who watches me from phone line in mute snow, 
sends chills of insight to my dreamless brain 
so I call up God on the telephone 
to discuss salvation from civil war 
fought between Odin and Tonatiuh. 

Sinister joke on the comedy show 
about the scene on Desolation Row 
shocks me with truth I never thought before 
concerning who now wields Excalibur 
to fight for salvation from civil war 
fought between Muhammad and Charlemagne. 

Mysterious shadow on the bloody wall 
haunts stone cathedral of the fractured bell 
where faithful zombies worship Vampire King 
who beams with joy while little angels sing 
hymns that spell salvation from civil war 
fought between Jesus and Para Brahman. 

Awake with vision of Mother Ishtar, 
who weaves our spirits from Eternal Star, 
I meditate on One-Eye Pyramid 
to dream whole history of humanity 
who still seeks salvation from civil war 
fought between the Christ and the Anti-Christ. 

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