
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Mountain Of Snow

Mountain Of Snow
© Surazeus
2018 03 27

He walks forever toward mountain of snow.
Step by step he walks over plain of grass.
He sees all the events of his life
replay in the grass where the wind blows soft.
He looks up and sees he wandered sideways,
so he stops and looks for mountain of snow
that shimmers in the infinite blue sky.

He walks straight again toward mountain of snow,
glancing at his feet, then up at white peak,
to maintain his course to the distant goal.
A thousand crows in a great shifting cloud
swirl overhead in wide spiraling swoops,
because the other children of his village
called him crow when he flapped his arms and cawed.

The old man with the long white flowing beard
pointed to the mountain of snow and said,
"The Crow Woman who created the world
lives in a cave on the mountain of snow."

He walks breathing deep toward mountain of snow.
He feels the sunlight gleam on his skin.
He feels the wind of mountains blow his hair.
He feels the crows caw from his beating heart.
He feels the river pulsing in his chest.
He feels the vast sky shimmer in his eyes.
He feels the stars in tears wet on his cheeks
when he wakes in moonlight flat on the grass.

He steps befuddled toward mountain of snow.
He huddles in the grass where wind blows soft
and stares at the mountain peak shining white,
floating alone in the black cloudy night.
He stares at the moon glowing the world white
when it emerges from the wind-blown clouds.

"What happened between the light of the day
when I was walking toward mountain of snow
and this hour I wake under shining moon?
I fell into blank void outside time flow.
I remember walking toward mountain peak
to find the Crow Woman in Cave of Dreams."

Crawling to the river, he cups his hands
and drinks the white moonlight to cool his thirst.
The sun flashes bright in infinite sky,
so he walks again through the wind-blown grass,
eating raspberries he plucks by the river,
forever on toward the mountain of snow.

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