
Friday, December 8, 2017

Electric Letters

Electric Letters
© Surazeus
2017 12 08

The rain that patters on the metal roof
conspires to obscure the clear naked proof
that we are swirling clouds of hungry light
who search the maze of mirrors for the kite
she sewed from angel wings that fell alone
to sing electric letters in the stone.

I dig the stone of dreams from river mud
while ancient stories slither in my blood
so when I wear the mask of fallen king
I stand in ruins of my church to sing
about the angel who taught me to fly
and read electric letters in the sky.

I find the dead in carnival of souls
who eat broken glass from puzzling bowls
and show me how to blaze new trail of truth
through labyrinth of voices where our youth
invent new social roles in game of power
and drink electric letters from the flower.

Though I have run ten thousand miles of dreams
along the winding memories of streams
I have not found the one with eyes of flame
who might explain to me my secret name
that I dug up from roots of pungent herbs
to write electric letters through the verbs.

I slouch in bleak despair by aching wall
and stare at shadows dancing down the hall
yet sigh that all I make with crafty hands
are bound like star gems to nine golden bands
so I now change my life to match the play
with bold electric letters in the bay.

I sail small wooden boat I built last year
through ragged storms of self-defeating fear
toward jagged island of the singing rock
where I secure my diamond cave with lock
but still the culture thieves in hall of lies
steal weird electric letters from my eyes.

When I return from mountain of the gods
I find that someone smashed my sailing boat
so now I crawl across the bulging world
and gaze in deep abyss where spirits swirled
before they animate our chunks of flesh
from bright electric letters of the mesh.

I leave my mask on plain where twinkling stars
teach wizards how to build fast-zooming cars
since wily Lucifer taught how our Cosmos
is pulsing structure woven from swift Atoms
so we discovered the secret of flight
coded in electric letters of light.

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