
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Whom Does The Grail Serve

Whom Does The Grail Serve
© Surazeus
2019 02 05

Still lost in the ancient house with no doors,
I follow voice of the girl with no eyes
who shows me spiral of infinity
that winds truth tight in my genetic coils
so I can rise above blind arguments
to see maze of history where I am lost.

Millions of people are fighting for power
by shooting thoughts of ideology
to block each other from speaking their minds
after we deconstruct Christian world view
that controlled how we all perceived the world,
shattered by far-sight of the telescope.

When Galileo peered through telescope
he revealed that stars are not small fixed points
of material fountains on crystal shells
that the Craftsman turns to control our fate,
so illusion of Heaven fractured apart
and collapsed into ruins of the Waste Land.

That old world view, where God creates the world
of changing material forms from Ideas,
fragmented into delusions of grandeur,
so we deconstruct state authority
to question strong social hegemony
where one group of people controls all others.

Now people fight over what world view
describes our universe with accurate terms
constructed from complex scientific laws
that help predict acts of cause and effect
so we can organize society
based on true principle of liberty.

People unite in gangs to fight for freedom
as religions and political parties,
and follow the man with the clearest vision
who leads them in contest of will to power
to dominate resources of the land
then organize how people eat and breed.

The wise individual leads social group
like twelve wands bundled around the sharp axe
in fasces mounted on the temple wall
where magus leads gang of twelve disciples
as bold magistrate with collective power
to maintain strong central authority.

The messiah wielding sharp axe of truth
leads twelve disciple guards with magic wands
who form circle to police roving tribe
within circus pale of protective poles
then build walls of the polis city-state
on hill top where water fountain flows clear.

Because he slew the dragon from the sea,
we anoint him messiah with snake oil,
then he sits on the flat-top pyramid
to keep watch over market of our tribe
while wearing dragon mouth as sacred crown
in symbol of authority from heaven.

Our tribe messiah roasts steak on the fire
and feeds each soul who worships him as god
so he rules as he wishes for twelve months,
then we sacrifice him on altar stone
to drink his blood that gushes from his heart,
and hang his body in the tree of crows.

When the sun god dies and rises reborn
at turning of seasons from death to birth
we crucify oppressive fascist king
and sprinkle his blood on the frozen fields
so seeds sprout again into wheat and grapes
through sacrifice of the vegetation god.

Every four years the descendants of Christ
campaign in election for president
to rule as god-king of America
by traveling town to town across the land
to present their vision of our great nation
with justice and liberty for all people.

When Grail King enters Castle of Lost Souls
the Maiden of Reincarnation appears,
bearing the Grail and the Blade on the Plate,
and solemnly asks, whom does the grail serve,
and he replies, he serves all citizens
to help them achieve creative success.

Once kings treated the people as their slaves,
exploiting their labor to build great empires,
accounting themselves as gods of the world,
but Jesus showed kings how to love the people
and treat them with justice and liberty
so each person can pursue their happiness.

Deconstructing the fantasy of Heaven
where Storm God raises people from the dead,
we construct new world view based on science
as method of tools to measure the world
and define laws that describe how things work
so we can build real Heaven on this Earth,
transforming the waste land to paradise.

Though lost in the ancient house with no doors,
I follow voice of the girl with no eyes
who leads me singing to the mountain top
where I watch progress of humanity
evolving to enlightened angels of love
who live in harmony with the White Whole.

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