
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Dream Of Our Memories

Dream Of Our Memories
© Surazeus
2019 02 13

I lament the death of each conscious being
who ever lived in history of our world
with aching heart at loss of their weird soul,
and yet I celebrate the life they lived
however brief or tragic it may have been,
because for hour of their expressive hope
they woke from shimmer of our pulsing atoms
and gazed upon our seething globe of things,
aware of themselves alone in the world,
yet part of its flashing process of change.

Time is quick spiral flow of molecules
that interact in constant flash of shapes
to calculate connections between atoms
that shimmer in vast web of particles
which constitute matter in forms of things
based on pattern of intricate design,
through ceaseless motion of ticking progress,
so time continues in one forward flow,
never reversing to some former state,
as shining hologram of the White Whole.

Our brains mirror vast web of galaxies
in how neurons connect as flashing net
to conjure ideal models that reflect
real objects our eyes perceive to exist,
designing virtual world that imitates
real world we observe and investigate,
so all states of being the universe staged
at some point in flow of cause and effect
exist as static vision in my mind
which lets me dream-travel throughout all time.

While the real universe swirls on in flow
of constant changing time from state to state,
my brain retains memories of every state
in parceled fragments of continuous chain,
so within imagination of dream
I can travel to any point in time
and see how the universe existed then,
which allows me to visualize the process
of cause and effect that lead to this state
where we exist now in flush of its change.

All my ancestors for millions of years,
since we first formed one-cell eye of self-sight,
designed virtual world view inside their brains
based on strict observations of their eyes,
so with every new generation born
through combination of mother and father
our brains accumulate more memories
to compile experience of sense perception,
and design standard idea of each thing
through signifiers of linguistic thought.

For every real object our eyes perceive
our brain designs idea in spoken word
to signify standard form of that object,
so every object that models the pattern
of tree we signify with the word tree,
and thus communicate through spoken words
vision of the real world our eyes perceive,
complex creation of the virtual world
through elegant sentences of sung verse
that beam visions of life through magic spells.

The universe is strict structure of atoms,
and our actions cause changes in structures,
construction of atoms coming together,
destruction of atoms breaking apart,
so we judge effects from the forceful cause
to be good or bad for regeneration
of our bodies we replicate through sex,
but atoms always go through constant change,
conjoining and departing in strict process
we rejoice as life and lament as death.

Though I lament the death of conscious beings,
those who succeed in art of copulation
regenerate new bodies from their bodies,
so through new replication of our souls
we can live beyond the death of our parents
and our children live beyond our own deaths,
thus we gain eternal life when our genes
live again reborn in bodies of children
who wake from the dream of our memories
and dream new memories they can pass on.

Therefore, I hope, wise child born from my flesh,
that you will observe true nature of things
and control your actions of forceful cause
so you create good rather than destroy,
then find loving mate of the opposite sex
to replicate this body of our genes
through reincarnation again in flesh
of this immortal spirit in our brains,
then train your children to observe the world
so we can transcend death through soul rebirth.

This immortal spirit born through our genes,
who wakes to consciousness inside our brains,
has regenerated billions of times
during constant forward spin of our world,
so marry and start your own family
to confirm life in self-control of lust
through structure of our liberty in law
so we can evolve beyond these frail bodies,
expanding consciousness to become God
who dreams entire progress of the White Whole.

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