
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Timeless Idea Of Chairness

Timeless Idea Of Chairness
© Surazeus
2019 02 12

Chairs exist as arranged clusters of atoms
created by hands of the mortal Craftsman,
while timeless Idea of Chairness persists
unchanging in perfect Realm of Ideas.

I am the crystal chair with angel wings
still dancing on sugar hills of the moon
to calculate how my birth river sings
designed to vibrate with soul-aching tune.

At the round table we sit in our chairs
to eat and drink in trusting fellowship
while we share funny stories of our lives
so we understand why we are alive.

The mad prophet from the mountain appears,
holding high lantern with no glowing flame,
and shouts that we killed God, our tribal king,
and left him hanging in the Tree of Runes.

After I cut Godin down from the tree,
I help him sit in the Idea of Chair,
then give him mead in the horn of the bull,
so we drink and laugh with loud ocean waves.

Godin shows me the cave where he was born,
where he invented the chair from the log
because he hated sitting on the dirt,
and where he keeps the skull of his wise mother.

Ocean wind whistles through eyes of the skull
so we almost hear sentences of thought
which prophesy events we want to pass,
then proclaim the Skull of God speaks the truth.

I set the chair on top of sugar hill,
then sit on the chair in the wind and rain
and watch the universe evolve from light
that spirals singing souls from the White Whole.

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