
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Suspicious Person Report

Suspicious Person Report
© Surazeus
2019 02 22

I want to report a suspicious person
I just saw lurking in my neighborhood,
walking up and down the street several times
as if he is scoping out our nice homes
with the vile intention of breaking in
after dark to steal money or rape girls.

Our neighborhood is good and middle class,
full of nice houses with at least three bedrooms,
owned by fathers who work at local banks
or work as managers at factories,
and earn enough to buy a fishing boat
and take their family to Florida beaches.

The children of our neighborhood are clean,
always wearing nice clothes they bought brand new,
and they ride bikes together to the park,
and always go to school where they learn well,
and they look out for each other each day,
and treat parents of friends with respect.

No, the suspicious person is not black,
for his skin is pale like he hides all day
in the basement where he lives with his parents
and plays war video games or watches porn,
so he is middle-aged, white, with brown hair,
and I said his skin is white and not black.

No, he is not wearing a large black hoodie,
rather he is wearing a red baseball cap
that says, Make America Great Again,
and he is wearing jeans and a ski jacket
as if he likes to snowboard in the mountains,
and works as a mechanic at a garage.

No, he does not look like a terrorist,
nor a Muslim come from the Middle East,
rather he looks more like a Midwest farmer,
and someone who attends church every week,
a Christian who prays and studies the Bible,
and quotes how wives should obey their husbands.

No, he does not look like a Mexican,
nor a refugee from South America
who took his family north thousands of miles
to escape gangsters making him sell drugs,
because fewer refugees cross the border,
and most of them are looking for good work.

Hundreds of people in the last ten years
who have killed thousands of people with guns
in violent shooting rampages from hate
are all white men who vote republican,
motivated by religion or politics,
angry young white men who feel insecure.

Because angry nationalist men, who believe
white Christians are better than everyone,
are killing innocent people with guns,
the white man stalking our good neighborhood
frightens me more than black neighbors and friends
who are just going to school or to work.

The people in my pleasant neighborhood
come from many countries around the world,
so we live together in harmony,
but that white man who thinks America
belongs to him alone is the terrorist,
so I report him as the suspicious person.

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