
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Weird World Of Forgotten Dreams

Weird World Of Forgotten Dreams
© Surazeus
2019 02 27

While mapping weird world of forgotten dreams 
that people drop along the signless road, 
who search for Heaven along sparkling streams, 
I come face to face with the robot toad 
that sucks oil from throbbing heart of the Earth 
as we sing in ruined church of second birth. 

Wielding my word pen, mightier than the sword, 
I battle banking robot toad of greed 
manipulated by the Money Lord 
who rules fertile fields from gold tower of need, 
so I wander lost in waste land of hope, 
learning riddles of truth on how to cope. 

Riding white giraffe with Pegasus wings 
through streets of Gotham at the darkest hour, 
I gather thirteen elves with magic rings 
to assault the vampire in his gold tower, 
so we spiral swift in storm-flashing sky, 
battling over whose truth beams from World Eye. 

Star Girl with three eyes, riding Lion King, 
arrives from waste land of the Laughing Clown 
to give me new sword forged from angel wing, 
so I can rule shadows of the ghost town 
who whisper secrets of the hanging god 
whose promise of salvation is a fraud. 

Since I must join side of justice and truth 
in cosmic battle between love and hate, 
returned from Heaven as messiah sleuth 
I master chess game of our nation-state 
to battle Vampire God in tower of gold 
who steals back Crown of Prophecy he sold. 

Though still in exile after civil war 
over who pays tax to the Guild of Clowns, 
our Fairy Queen with book of ancient lore 
ascends pyramids in ten thousand towns 
to crown wise Liberty Queen of our Hearts 
which weaves vast web of souls on world-wide charts. 

Now that I mapped every river that flows 
from mountains of prophets to seas of kings, 
I can reveal where the crystal ball glows 
that prophesies when Queen Liberty sings 
to show how we evolve from fish to gods 
who fight for truth in social justice squads. 

I sit alone in mountain cave of dreams 
and map ideas in epic of desire 
where eyes of humans swim in time-bright streams 
to sing in harmony with sun-soul choir, 
designing program of the star-search goal 
to feel our minds vibrate with the White Whole. 

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