Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Collision Of Passionate Hope

Collision Of Passionate Hope
© Surazeus
2019 03 05

When our eyes, in airplane propeller twist, 
flash contentious words of opposing views, 
we fly past each other to comprehend 
nothing we say in exchange of desires, 
so we loop back around to realign 
connections of our minds reflecting hope. 

Contorted landscape of our obscured dreams 
unfolds surprises when we try to talk, 
exploring secrets we fail to express 
that loom cliff-high from mist of angry words, 
so we keep dodging away to avoid 
cracking collision of passionate hope. 

So when I crash in jungle of your rage, 
I climb obstructing cliff of mute despair, 
scaling endless obfuscating requests 
to surmount resistance of your hard heart, 
navigate confused maze of tangled truths, 
and thus penetrate concealed cave of hope. 

Once we untangle misunderstood thoughts, 
and weave new tapestry of common faith, 
that displays compromise of clashed desires 
in clear cooperating program of action, 
then we can dance in strict ballet of love 
to achieve performance of fertile hope. 

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