
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Watch Flowers Grow

Watch Flowers Grow
© Surazeus
2011 03 15

Hundred million cars roar on highways
and false prophets scream on television
and politicians stab each other with smiles
and angels wrestle devils in congress
and devils assassinate angels at malls
and blind singer shovels minerals in mines
and zombies type on computer keyboards
while I sit in grass and watch flowers grow.

Jets soar fast over steel citadels of power
and bombs fall blasting homes to rubble
and earth quakes toppling glass towers
and tsunamis wipe cities off ancient hills
and icebergs smash ships seeking oil wells
and suicide bombers blast dancing halls
and hurricanes smash little wood homes
while I sit in grass and watch flowers grow.

Titans clash over tall mountains of gold
and clowns make laws for invisible kings
and kings crush workers under iron boots
and workers revolt waving angry signs
and factories clank spewing toxic exhaust
and thieves whack people to steal cash
and brokers trick people to steal profits
while I sit in grass and watch flowers grow.

Men trick girls to slave as whores for greed
and girls try to escape nameless dirty hotels
and police chase hippies smoking weed
and girls are beaten and raped and starved
and police guard mansions of corporate kings
and girls walk dark streets terrified and numb
and police arrest girls slaving as whores
while I sit in grass and watch flowers grow.

Clowns in suits smoke cigars in congress
and plot to destroy national public radio
and ignore millions of people without jobs
and Frankenstein sells pills in plastic bottles
and Dracula forecloses ten thousand homes
and robots clutch rifles and pledge allegiance
and shoot immigrants walking desert sand
while I sit in grass and watch flowers grow.

Cars collide crashing on highways in rain
and men stalk women with sharp knives
and banker chats on cell phone while driving
and crashes into car killing seven children
and women kill pregnant women for babies
and boys bully boys sneering cruel names
and priests rape boys in silent cathedrals
while I sit in grass and watch flowers grow.

Armies invade foreign countries with tanks
and barons seize control over oil wells
and soldiers in helicopters shoot fighters
and laugh watching heads explode in blood
and guards force prisoners to stand on boxes
and pull black plastic bags over their heads
and snap photographs to post on My Life
while I sit in grass and watch flowers grow.

Preachers wave Bibles in glass houses
and throw stones at people who think
and condemn all who believe no myths
and hurl their names in hell fire of death
and cast doubt on research of scientists
and twist truth to appear like blatant lies
and curse explorers searching for truth
while I sit in grass and watch flowers grow.

Demonstrators gather in Liberty Square
and recite crimes committed by officials
and call for equal justice for all under law
and demand freedom to live their own lives
and cheer when tyrants flee to golf courses
and grasp rifles to fight tyrants in sunglasses
and pray when helicopters bomb homes
while I sit in grass and watch flowers grow.

Everybody thinks God is on their side
and might of weapons makes right of law
and pen strikes mightier than sword or gun
and people kill people with hidden guns
and ten thousand ghosts wail lost in mist
and blind prophet writes names on stone
and rain washes all traces of humanity to sea
while I sit in grass and watch flowers grow.

Lovers hold hands walking on river shore
and children play games in parks at sunset
and women talk about philosophy and books
and men tinker with engines of old cars
and girls play ballerina though toes bleed
and boys battle monsters in video games
and Nameless Soul becomes every soul lost
while I sit in grass and watch flowers grow.

People are born and live and dream and die
and fight each other over water and food
and help each other fight against thieves
and build grand visions of heaven on Earth
and blast with bombs making hell on Earth
and seek meaning of life in quest for truth
and weave lies to control seekers of truth
while I sit in grass and watch flowers grow.

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