
Sunday, January 8, 2023

Fix The Broken World

Fix The Broken World
© Surazeus
2023 01 08

The god who wills to fix the broken world 
floats under the apple tree of weird knowledge 
on angel wings stolen from the blind swan 
who talks to everybody on the road 
about the gospel of the weeping clown 
who preaches on the television screen. 

The king who wants to fix the broken world 
swims in forest pool where Narcissus drowned 
while asking mute clouds why the smiling rain 
sparks demons to sprout from small apple seeds 
though horses gather on the river shore 
to talk about ambivalence of truth. 

The fool who cries to fix the broken world 
leaps far across abyss of nothingness 
on dragon wings designed by lonely girls 
who sit alone by fountain of desire 
till I step through mirror door of love 
to find the key that unlocks mind of dreams. 

The priest who prays to fix the broken world 
sits by window of inequality 
to prove laws favor the famously rich 
while police shoot anyone who resists 
conceptual program of expanding doors 
till glowing clouds demand just recompense. 

The seer who codes to fix the broken world 
bakes apple pie she sets on windowsill 
to lure the White Wolf from shadow of fear 
still reluctant to trust old senators 
ambitious to crown themselves divine kings 
though they are statues in the Christmas store. 

The clown who plays to fix the broken world 
somersaults through nine television screens 
while chanting spells in language of the dead 
which gives him power to arrange lost tales 
in puzzle of world history we ignore 
before each empire crumbles into states. 

The judge who rules to fix the broken world 
falls off Bucephalus when clocks strike three 
since angels wander on the mountain trail 
because they forget their mission to find 
every book never written with my blood 
as if I could play President of Earth. 

The ghost who deigns to fix the broken world 
waits at the bus stop for the lonely boy 
to bring new painting of the fallen god 
so he can design wings of Icarus 
I need to climb the stairway up to Hell 
where I marry Melusine by her well. 

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