
Sunday, January 8, 2023

Awakening In Brain World

Awakening In Brain World
© Surazeus
2023 01 08

Awakening in brain world before dawn, 
I follow the White Wolf in misty woods 
through swirling portal of the eyeless clock 
that flashes in trunk of the laughing oak 
to fly on writhing wings of Earendil 
high above verdant worlds of Middle-Earth. 

Awakening in brain world on the hill, 
I stand with the White Wolf in apple grove 
where Melusine emerges from Rune Well 
and places crown of laurel on my head 
then gives me gold lyre of Mercurius 
carved from bones of the dragon Jormungandr. 

Awakening in brain world in the church, 
I listen to the White Wolf explain why 
atoms beam from first flash of the God Eye, 
then accept Holy Grail from Melusine 
and drink soul wine that Dionysus brews 
which transforms me to Star Man in the sky. 

Awakening in brain world on the ship, 
I wear warm cape the White Wolf sewed for me 
while sailing through the wild Atlantic storm 
toward mysterious land of America 
where Apollo kneels before Onatah 
who reigns on Pyramid of the One Eye. 

Awakening in brain world by the sea, 
I explore Elysium with the White Wolf 
who teaches me how to build piston engine 
that powers Chariot of Ezekiel 
so we drive to Tower of Icarus 
and walk along the beach in gusting wind. 

Awakening in brain world on the stage, 
I perform sacred role of the White Wolf 
by standing on green island in blue lake 
to shoot lightning arrow of honesty 
that pierces heart of the volatile Phoenix 
which restores the waste land to paradise. 

Awakening in brain world of the tomb, 
I cradle the White Wolf in trembling arms 
who sacrifices her life to save mine 
when she is struck with sharp arrow of greed 
fired by assassin sent by castle king 
who demands I obey him with blind faith. 

Awakening in brain world at midnight, 
I gaze in star-bright eyes of the White Wolf 
who smiles at me from the mirror moon 
to guide my journey across the waste land 
till I find the huge Diamond Heart of Truth 
which shines with history of the universe. 

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