
Saturday, November 3, 2018

David Turns Into Goliath

David Turns Into Goliath
© Surazeus
2018 11 03

The great sad soul in the woods tells me why
mask of civilization mirrors face
of my dead father I wear to proclaim
laws of justice to suppress stream of lust
that seethes in ocean tides from our wild hearts
when our mothers push our bodies from wombs
without wings of Icarus so we can
never escape gravity of fat Earth
and soar to Heaven of lost memories
where ghosts of our past selves recite weird spells.

After he overthrows tyrant of greed
David turns into Goliath who reigns
over violent mobs of nationalist warriors
wielding the scepter, the sword, then the rifle,
and now controls one thousand nuclear missiles
that could annihilate cities of men
with explosive blast of electric flames
obliterating all organic life
who would seethe again from the teeming sea
and begin again wars of domination.

Apollo subdues the Amazon Queen
and breeds dynasty of bold upright kings
who organize farmers to produce food
by controlling process of natural growth
to manage capricious forces of weather
by channeling lightning into power lines
that illuminate vast cities of towers
where computers calculate charging flow
of flashing energy our brains consume
so we drink the wine that Bacchus provides.

Swift evanescent visions we express
spiral spinning wheels of electric fate
to weave shining tapestry of bright screens
that beam from ten billion computer servers
where Dionysus dances wild in nightclubs
to celebrate release of tense desire
through bodies of nameless people who grind
cables sizzling strict streams of information
which binds chaos of individual will
in costumes constraining social conventions.

While Plato still prays in dark cave of shadows
to comprehend Idea form for each thing,
Diogenes laughs in clay pot of dust
behind the temple where priests sacrifice
monstrous bull of Ishtar to roast beef steak,
so the Idealist on the throne of power
is replaced by the Cynic who barks orders
and leads warriors with guns to defend walls
of Heaven against refugees from war
who follow Moses to the Promised Land.

Women who dance wild in midnight moonlight
transform seed of men into new-born souls
who drink milk of their breasts reborn from rain
because they choose the man they wish to love
till men rejected by Goddess of Love
organize armies of arrogant soldiers
who wield sharp swords forged from stones of the Earth
to invade grand pyramid of wise Ishtar
thus Apollo crowns himself God of Earth
and wears the gown he tore from her dead body.

The priest who wears gown of priestess of Hera
proclaims himself vicar of God on Earth
so we must obey word of his command
as divine law or he burns us in fire
since the dancing women of the wild woods
tore body of his father in raw flesh
they devoured in furious frenzy of hunger
when he dared invade their ring of star stones
and tried to rape the goddess of the sea
who cradles his bloody head at her breast.

When I rise naked from the lake of ice
in the mountain valley at clear blue dawn,
the lady in silk gown with crown of gems
places long sharp polished sword in my hand
and commissions me to guard and defend
castle of women from rapists and slavers
so I stand before gates of paradise
while young girls sing and dance among fruit trees
while learning how to brew potions in cauldrons
that wake our minds to dream the universe.

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