
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Violent Process Of Lust

Violent Process Of Lust
© Surazeus
2018 11 10

Streaming straight through spiraling wheels of light,
I soar across vast universe of dreams
on flowing wings of thought to explore whole
containing every object that exists
composed of pulsing atoms that spark life
awake in neural network of my brain.

In all this vast extension of taut strings
vibrating clear with melodies of thought
webbed in countless galaxies blasting stars,
I am small fragile flame of molecules
conscious of itself as chemical flash
functioning to sustain perceptive hope.

How small I am in all this universe
yet in my brain these atoms retain light
to mirror patterns of galactic forms
spinning swift on violent process of lust
which generates organic life on spheres
of teeming chemicals that stew in seas.

I cannot control elements of life
yet dream strange explanations for how force
motivates machinery of interaction
clicking to connect chains of molecules
based on number of electrons in shells
which coil taut strings of vibrant compassion.

How strange these tales of supernatural humans
appear in comic books and science fiction
which all combine basic pattern of action
where brains of humans replace frail flesh bodies
with mechanic shells of bionic strength
so humans transform to immortal gods.

We contend with hungry monster of Death
who wants to annihilate billions of souls
so they cannot consume energy sources
when tyrant wants to commit genocide
against others to populate our world
with his descendants who enslave our bodies.

We must unite to combine our free will
in noble project to defeat the tyrant
who tries to enslave actions of our bodies
to work increasing his control of wealth
while he determines who lives and who dies,
demanding loyal obedience through faith.

I stand alone on mountain of mute wind
to drink from clear fountain of the flying horse
and sing weird vision of the distant future
where humans evolve into robot angels
and terraform waste lands of our spinning globe
into lush paradise of apple trees.

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