
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Fertile Heart Of America

Fertile Heart Of America
© Surazeus
2018 11 20

The love that slithers down my tingling spine
revives aching lust I buried in mud
to sprout telephone poles along blind roads
where caravans of refugees from war
against justice wander to Promised land
where they flip burgers at McDonalds grill.

The king who wants to know the reason why
he can saw off fingers of journalists
who criticize his theft of dollar bills
throws new rakes to people whose homes burned down
because the wildfire devoured piles of cash
scattered afar in California woods.

Those evil politicians come and go
on Wheel of Fortune that endlessly spins
between extremes of wealth and poverty
when people compete for baubles of fame
that glorify their faces with false masks
trampled in mud when new heroes arise.

Yet still I follow Lady Liberty
on endless revolution to ensure
universal human rights are upheld
by honest governments who support truth
on the right side of history to maintain
arc of justice we construct from our skulls.

All the clowns who stand on stage to decry
injustice of the capitalist system,
that crushes the spirits of honest people,
proclaim the fall of the empire of wealth,
then, after the slam poetry event,
they drink beer as they stagger down the street.

White clouds in blue sky beam rays of gold light
to reveal shadow of despair that lurks
behind locked doors of hundred million homes
where their brains stew in toxic chemicals
of fake news designed to spur their outrage
so they will send money to senators.

Grasping bare bodkin of Hamlet, I slash
open my heart so money gushes out
in fountain of desire that drowns the world
with visions of power to control the land
and program the hearts and minds of the people
to believe whatever I say is true.

I smoke weed in the skull of Lucifer
and breathe out visions of bloody world war
when nations of angry men grasping guns
shoot each other over Garden of Eden
where the Serpent laughs at our vanity
and drinks our blood that soaks the silent Earth.

We are bold robots of America,
marching as to war for the most just cause
that we need oil bleeding from holy sand
to power electric grid which generates
glow of cyberspace from billions of servers
to connect our brains in the world wide web.

Who is the spider of the world wide web,
enchanting wizard whose weird magic spells
connect our minds to perceive one world view
woven from words that sparkle from our tongues
yet blind our eyes with glamour of desire
for ideology to explain it all?

The blind prophet with one hundred eyes stands
in the middle of the highway at sunset,
but people drive home from working all day
so they cannot see his shadow of hope
that beams sunlight slant on indifferent trees
when they go home to pay their monthly bills.

The love that flashes on computer screens
dispels false vision of our spinning world
so we can see the tyrant on the throne,
who thinks he is the messiah returned,
when we gather at the river that flows
through the fertile heart of America.

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