
Thursday, November 15, 2018

Ancient Secret Of Christmas

Ancient Secret Of Christmas
© Surazeus
2018 11 15

I have learned that my Puritan ancestors,
who founded Massachusetts colony,
thought Christmas was a pagan holiday
because the German followers of Odin,
descended from the worshippers of Mithras,
decorated trees to honor the Sun God.

Christians in America today think
Christmas is about birth of the Christ Jesus,
but he was born sometime in mid-September,
whereas the twenty-fifth day of December
was the birth in star cave of the Christ Mithras,
whose title and name was shortened to Christ-Mas.

The image of Santa Klaus, the round man
wearing red robe who brings warmth in cold winter,
represents death and rebirth of the sun
on the winter solstice in late December,
Sun God personified as jolly man
who brings food and cheer to those trapped in snow.

I love every person bound by this tale,
Mithras who judges disputes between men
and slays the bull to roast beef for the feast,
Nikolaus who gives money to poor people,
Odin who brings gifts to small villages,
and Jesus whose descendants reign as kings.

This one complicated holiday myth
binds sociological forces of culture
with seasonal changes of brutal nature
in stories of men with authority
who sustain communities with their love
bringing food to people starving in winter.

The spirit of the generous tribal leader,
descended from long line of honest kings,
who takes good care of his community
by providing feasts during winter months
and giving presents to poor hungry people,
lives forever in every generation.

We present stories about tribal leaders,
who love each individual in their tribe,
giving food and money to those in need,
and helps each person to become the best,
to teach new leaders we choose through elections
to be good leaders who care for the people.

Evil leaders believe they own the people
and treat us as slaves to increase their wealth,
but good leaders believe their sacred mission
is to help each person become their best self
through education to develop skills
that benefit our whole community.

The ancient secret of Christmas is found
in the story about the selfless leader
willing to die to save their tribal members,
who judges equal justice for each person,
and gives food and presents to the poor people
so every soul in society thrives.

I celebrate Christmas as sacred myth
about birth and death of the tribal leader
in relation to cycle of the seasons
which regenerates energy of love
to refresh progress of society
with generous leader who loves every person.

Our social institutions will decay
which each revolution of fertile Earth
around the Sun, which generates all life,
so our leader will die and rise reborn
to renew the commitment of our faith
in the generous love of their social programs.

Join me on the longest night of the year
to gather with our families in our homes
around the pine tree hung with little idols
that represent all the people we love,
feast on good food harvested from the Earth,
and sing hymns to praise loving tribal leaders.

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