
Monday, November 26, 2018

Parnassian Comedy

Parnassian Comedy
© Surazeus
2018 11 26

Midway through the strange journey of my life
I find myself in obscure nameless woods
shrouded in silent mist of mute despair.

I wonder at the beauty of the woods,
savage trees sprouting from stern rugged slopes,
which eases my fear to be so alone.

Gazing back at crowded cities of men,
I wonder how I came to wander far
from highways of cars speeding somewhere else.

Still in peaceful quiet at mountain foot,
I gaze up at jagged peak in clear sky
where Venus glimmers gold just after dawn.

Goddess of Love, whose warm spark of desire
urges all creatures to procreate life,
always guides my way to haven of peace.

When our First Mother rose from Lake of Dreams,
she sang for us the history of the world,
and gave us fruit to cultivate in gardens.

Reaching out my hand with hungry desire,
I pluck ripe apple from her Tree of Life,
then follow sparkling river as I eat.

I meet no ancient poets in the woods,
no Homer, Virgil, Dante, nor Shakespeare,
who could lead me to peak of Mount Parnassus.

Following the ancient path poets blazed,
I arrive at the large wrought iron gate
that hangs half open into factory camp.

Rows of giant brick factories with tall smokestacks
stand empty inside enormous compound
with abandoned trucks in eerie gray smog.

Above the rusty gate I read large sign
with thick letters that read, "Work makes you free,
so abandon hope all who enter here."

Turning away from foul factory compound,
I climb mountain trail into silent woods
to leave harsh civilization of men.

Kneeling at clear spring of the flying horse,
I drink the sparkling waters of the Earth
which animates soul of my consciousness.

Refreshed with sacred liquid of the sky,
I continue climbing trail through the woods,
listening to birds chirp as they flutter wings.

Ascending Mount Parnassus in soft breeze,
I arrive at large grotto near its peak
where ancient lyre of gold lies on large stone.

Lifting gold lyre that shimmers in sunlight,
I strum thirteen silver strings which vibrate
eerie tones that strike my heart with desire.

I wonder if this lyre, bright in my hands,
was fashioned by clever Hermes himself,
then strummed by both Apollon and Orpheus.

I look around grotto, timeless and still,
and wonder if Apollon and nine muses
once chanted songs in this strange eerie grove.

I wonder if Dante also came here
and found angels in great circle of light,
dancing and singing in sweet harmony.

Now no one but me, mute Surazeus,
stands alive in this changeless mountain grove,
hearing nothing but wind whisper lost words.

None of those famous poet are alive now,
except as idols figured in my brain
based on words dead people wrote about them.

In bodies of flesh fueled by vibrant blood
they once walked surface of this spinning world,
but now are naught but idols in my brain.

Their names are seeds from which their idols spring
so when our eyes view letters of their names
their apparitions flash before our sight.

Once living beings with conscious souls in brains,
now they are mindless ghosts my own brain dreams
so they seem alive, puppets in my drama.

Now at this hour of time on spinning Earth
I am embodiment of all their souls
because their ghosts still play inside my mind.

Strumming lyre those wise poets left behind,
I recite tales about philosophers
to explore how they designed our world view.

Eternal sphere of light begins to shine,
so in weird tangled structure of my brain
I perceive shape of the whole universe.

When I square the circle of the White Whole
that bloomed from the First Flash of the Big Bang
I feel spiral matrix of carbon rings.

Gazing at my face in the shining pond,
I wonder at beauty of human souls,
but almost fall into my own reflection.

The woman with long hair and flashing eyes
emerges from shadow of the Dream Cave
and sings in harmony with my long epic.

Gazing at each other with trusting love,
we walk together on shore of the lake
where stars shimmer in bottomless depths.

Now Venus walks beside me on the Earth,
so we create two children from our love
who walk beside us on our trail of life.

The world, the sun, the galaxy, the universe,
are wheels spinning around the One White Whole
which generates our spirits from its love.

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