
Thursday, November 15, 2018

White Christian Republican Men

White Christian Republican Men
© Surazeus
2018 11 15

Why are white christian republican men
terrorizing our nation with their hate
by charging into halls where people gather
and shooting them with bullets of contempt
from rifles the law allows them to buy?

Why are white christian republican men
not denouncing their fellow human beings
for killing people through terrorist acts,
presenting them in news as flawed but good,
while police kill black men who have no guns?

Why are white christian republican men
pushing their white nationalist agenda
on claims they are superior to the rest
of diverse humanity on the Earth,
which they claim proves they have the right to rule?

Why are white christian republican men
blind to the truth of basic human nature
that we are all descended from tree apes
who learned to craft material with our hands
then multiplied in races on the Earth?

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