
Thursday, November 15, 2018

Liberty Will Reign Supreme

Liberty Will Reign Supreme
© Surazeus
2018 11 15

All day long as I stroll around my office
I find myself chuckling with grim amusement
that the dumb mafia thug in the White House
destroys clown show of his administration
with arrogant incompetence of greed
and rages like cornered rat in his cage.

The vibrant process of democracy
that powers vast government of our republic
will expel from its body like foul virus
any arrogant fool puffed up with pride
who attempts to crown himself king of power,
then spit him out on the trash heap of history.

If he succeeds in crippling institutions
designed to prevent one arrogant man
from taking complete control of our nation
then he might be able to crown himself
absolute ruler of our sprawling empire,
but he will fall, weakened by his own pride.

As our nation collapses into chaos
strong civic pride in our democracy
will support resurrection of our spirit
so again Liberty will reign supreme,
holding high the light of justice and truth,
and our nation will again thrive in peace.

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