
Friday, November 9, 2018

Community For Diverse Individuals

Community For Diverse Individuals
© Surazeus
2018 11 09

I go about plain routine of my life
to perform basic functions of my job,
purchase food with the credits I receive,
then relax in privacy of my home
to watch television shows or read books,
and not live drama other people watch.

I am no grand actor on public stage
of national socio-political history,
performing clandestine games for control
to operate power managing fiscal programs
which designs paradigm for how to live
based on laws that support our house of cards.

I sit alone in my small simple home
within vast chess board of America,
watching Greek tragedy of politics
play out every four years on television
where ambitious people fight for control
in reality show of our world empire.

Why do people always fight to play God,
assuming divine authority to rule
how the rest of us produce food to eat
and what role each person plays in the game,
deciding who owns the dirt of the Earth,
and therefore who gets to work, eat, and play?

The stronger and the wiser outmaneuver
everyone else in fierce game for control,
so one person becomes the head of state,
managing group of loyal followers,
and plays the lord as shepherd of the people
who invites the good to feast in his house.

We gather in stone walls of paradise
by the river where God sits on the throne,
and we all bring food to share in the feast,
then we sing the hymn, the Lord is my shepherd,
who protects us and invites us to eat,
and we dwell together inside his Heaven.

The brother of the man who plays our king
decides he wants to rule on the gold throne,
so he gathers exiled as followers
who form army with weapons to attack,
but the Lord gives me the sharp shiny sword
and sends me to assassinate his brother.

Two boys born from the same mother and father
fight over who plays the role of the Lord,
the loaf-ward who guards the warehouse of wheat,
so one becomes divine ruler of men
while the other becomes the evil rebel,
yet they are alike in all other ways.

My ancestors for two thousand years fought
to rule kingdoms of orchards and wheat fields
from the secure fortress of castle towers,
till those who lost the game to wear the crown
sailed west across the sea to the new world
where they established our democracy.

Instead of warlords wearing crowns of jewels
handing power to their sons, evil or good,
we each cast our vote to elect the person
who presents vision of who we are better,
then executes programs to spend tax dollars
that build strong infrastructure of our state.

The impulse of two political parties
fluctuates between central authority
and individual liberty through choice,
so we maintain balance of civil rights
between both personal and public good,
to nurture communal growth for each person.

I want to keep on living my plain life
so I vote for the person who presents
vision of cohesive community
for diverse individuals with liberty
where every person enjoys equal rights
and opportunity to live their way.

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