
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Your New Messiah Sleuth

Your New Messiah Sleuth
© Surazeus
2018 11 29

I feel quick flood waters rising from rain.
I wish it could wash away all my pain.
Everything we make in this world is vain.
Whatever we do we will lose or gain.
I stand on the signless highway of truth,
hoping to play your new messiah sleuth.

I see pink ribbon tattered in the mud.
Looking at the stone, I see streak of blood.
I wade to the house in the gushing flood.
I find the conman grooming retired stud.
I walk through the horrible maze of truth,
hoping to play your new messiah sleuth.

The conman tries to shoot me in the head.
I duck and fill his head with justice lead.
Just another rapist who now lies dead.
I free the young girl chained to his slave bed.
I think by the river of bitter truth,
hoping to play your new messiah sleuth.

I walk the city street, searching for lies.
I expose crime to eternal blue skies.
We measure what we can see with our eyes.
I dispel faith where the angel flies.
I reveal the intricate way of truth,
hoping to play your new messiah sleuth.

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