
Sunday, November 18, 2018

So We Share Giving Love

So We Share Giving Love
© Surazeus
2018 11 18

Fair wind that blows across wet fields of grain
refreshes spirits worn by endless toil
who drink sweet wine and dance in flashing rain
while energy of love spins through tight coil.

Rich people gather in grand halls to drink
and celebrate legal power of their wealth
while poor people glide around skating rink
when Despair lingers close on wings of stealth.

Wild-eyed and merry with angelic heart,
the clever sleuth, who unmasks criminals,
maps their thieving spree on his timeless chart
to catch bankers performing miracles.

I slouch in restaurant on Clown Avenue
and search for purpose in this dreary life,
then realize Holy Grail is ingenue
who bears our children as my loyal wife.

How long did we survive in hilltop fort,
transforming wood poles into walls of stone
and shaman into emperor in grand court,
beyond castle haven to rule alone?

Alone I drive vast maze of city streets
still wanting to man the castle watch-tower,
plotting to expand rich accounting sheets
till my clan rules the world with witty power.

Your quaint domestic spells of fractured verse
fail to express complexity of truth
which spirals stars to weave our universe
and show how messiah became the sleuth.

The revolution happens every year
when powerful men die and dissolve to dust
so weaklings gain power by preying on your fear,
abusing you to satisfy their lust.

Rise against bullies in high castle halls
who tax your labor while you slave all day
and overthrow tyrants when freedom calls
till you legalize your right to fair pay.

Though kings and presidents rule, they will die,
yet more men rise to play that royal role,
but always one man claims right from the sky
to exploit energy of your free soul.

We need one honest man to judge disputes,
whether Zeus, Mithra, Jesus, or Mohammad,
wise mortal we elect who executes
universal laws to rule our whole planet.

Holding hands, we stand inside ring of stones
to chant sacred vision of the White Whole
whose pulsing atoms animate our brains
so we share giving love as common goal.

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