
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Nation Made Of Immigrants

Nation Made Of Immigrants
© Surazeus
2015 11 25

We are a nation made of immigrants
for we all spread outward from Africa
to travel east and west over wild lands,
settling for a few centuries here and there
on river shores to found sprawling empires
that clash in war, so we scatter again
to migrate over waste land of despair,
walk across rugged lands of freezing ice
and sail across oceans of howling waves,
and thus we all arrive by foot or boat
to spread across this fertile land of hope
and build communities of peaceful love.

We are a nation made of immigrants
so though some of us have lived on this land
ten thousand years, and some four hundred years,
and many arrived this past hundred years,
we share this fertile land with equal rights,
defending liberty for every one
to practice their cultural way of life,
whether religious or not, unified
in our core principle that every person
lives according to desire of their dreams
as long as they hurt no one by their actions
and build communities of peaceful love.

We are a nation made of immigrants
who gather every year to share this feast
of friends and family we love and hate
to give thanks for bounties of this good life,
remembering as we drink a toast to freedom
that we treat others with empathic love
as we want them to treat us every day,
for we share this vast, rich, bountiful land
where everyone who works with crafting hands
may generate wealth of productive good
that benefits all who cooperate
and build communities of peaceful love.

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